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some chapters will have recommended songs, as in songs that I listened to while writing them, or that inspired some of the contents of said chapter. some will have one, maybe more, others none.

for this chapter I recommend "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron, at least for the first half.

I also imagine Apollo as Vanessa Morgan. (picture attached) 


Apollo hummed as she felt her veins buzz with intoxication, the alcohol working its way through her body, warming her up in the most pleasant way. She wasn't plastered, but she was definitely having a better time now that her sobriety was tainted.

She sat in the middle of the party around her, the room bustling with activity. The music made the house pulse with its beat. She felt it in her ears, and through the ground. The cops would definitely be called for noise complaint if they hadn't been already. 

She found herself glued to that sofa, watching, analyzing her fellow party goers as they laughed and danced drunkenly. She unconsciously fiddled with the fabric of her fish net leggings, exposed through the holes of her ripped jeans. Her attention wasn't turned until she felt the couch dip next to her, a look of digest crossing her face as a couple unashamedly made out next to her, practically humping each other. This was enough to drive her from her spot as she got up quickly, pushing her way through sweaty bodies to make it outside. She smiled as the cold air greeted her skin. 

A small giggle left her mouth as she stumbled a little as she walked along the exterior. The house was huge, almost mansion like. It sat on top of a hill overlooking the Los Angeles night, city lights and palm trees dotting the horizon. But the view simply wasn't enough to capture Apollo's attention as she clung to the wall, before sliding down to sit. 

She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, trying to remember why she was at that party or how she had even managed to get there. But it was obvious she had been drinking to forget, considering every time she tried to recall the details her head gave her a warning ache. She looked up as the porch door slid open before sliding closed once more. A figure stepped out mumbling a small curse before fishing into its pocket, taking out what seemed like a pack of cigarettes.

Apollo watched, intrigued, as they cupped their hands, emitting a small orange glow from what could only be a lighter. They inhaled before blowing smoke out through their nose, their composure noticeably relaxing. Apollo cleared her throat, not wanting to scare the stranger as they turned towards her. The stranger slowly approached her, their appearance slowly coming into her blurry visibility. 

They were dressed in all black. A black hoodie, a leather jacket, black trousers, and checkered vans. Rings scattered the hand clutching the cigarette between its fingers, as well as black painted nails and what appeared to be a tattoo. Apollo looked up through hooded eyes, this stranger was handsome, she observed as brown irises stared back down at her curiously.

He sat himself down next to her, keeping respectable space between the both of them as they both sat in the crisp air of a typical November night. Apollo looked over at the stranger, as he did to her. Her eyes flickered towards the cigarette, which he acknowledged with a simple nod before handing it to her. Apollo gave a hum of appreciation and took a drag, before she blowed out her own puff of smoke into the night. 

" 's pretty crowded in there." Ah. The stranger had a voice. It was smooth, the slightest bit slurred, with a small trace of an accent she couldn't quite pin point. Apollo nodded in agreement before she let the smoke invade her lungs once more, handing the stranger back his cigarette.

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