The waiter set our main courses down. "This is a lemon roasted salmon, delicately placed over our savory white wine couscous. Enjoy."

We thanked him and he disappeared once again. This was an interesting experience because the food wouldn't be my first choice if I was looking at a menu, but it all tasted so amazing.

"I think I consider stagnation to be failure. If I don't move forward, what am I doing?" I mused in response to his statement.

"Yeah I feel you. Is that why you decided to go on a date with me?" He asked me. "Glad that you're enjoying the food." He chuckled.

I didn't even realize I was doing it again; I covered my face and giggled softly. "I can't help it Jay, it's so good."

"So, I'm Jay now? I guess this is going as well as I think it is." Jason nodded to himself.

"Boy bye. To answer your question though, I was trying to play myself by thinking that this wouldn't go anywhere but I think that it was my fear of commitment talking. Maybe subconsciously I'm trying to be more open to a relationship." I realized what I was saying. "Not that I'm saying that we're gonna end up as boyfriend and girlfriend, but you know. I'm open to whatever happens."

"Oh, we're definitely getting together, it's only a question of how long it takes. I'm not one for relationships either but I'm not an idiot; you got me changing my style for you, but I like it. We definitely have a connection." He was right; I gulped some wine and nodded.

"I agree with you, plus as I said, I appreciate the effort. The next date is all me though." I was definitely going to do something amazing for him because he deserved it. "I'm actually impressed that we haven't checked our phones or anything." Said phones were in the glove compartment of Jason's car.

"To be honest, you've got me forgetting all about my responsibilities. Remember when I said that you would be trouble?" He held his hand out across the table for me, and I put my hand in his.

I smiled, taking in his words. "You're gonna be trouble too. Alright next question, what's a deal breaker for you? Like a personality trait or something that a girl could do to turn you off completely."

"No ambition, like I told you before women in the past would approach me just because of their perception of what I had and what I could give them. I'm not wit that at all, you gotta wanna grind for yourself. Not saying that I wouldn't wanna spoil you but as I told you before I ain't paying for no pussy so they gotta have their own money. What about you?" His thumb leisurely brushed against my fingers as we spoke, something about the innocent touching sent tingles throughout my body.

I agreed with him; I couldn't ever imagine depending on a man for everything. "A definite deal breaker for me is disrespect. You can't really care about me if you don't respect me." I said simply and I strongly believed that. I didn't believe that it was possible for a person to profess their love for another and still cheat on them; it was one of the most disrespectful things that a person could do to their significant other.

"I keep forgetting that you're so young because you're so mature and intelligent. Believe me when I say that there are plenty women your age and older who don't even respect themselves let alone expect a man to respect them." He stated, unfortunately he was right, but I could never let that be me again. "What are your thoughts on sticking to a timeline to have sex? Like you got a thirty-day rule, ten date rule or something like that?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Why would I do that to myself? Sounds like torture if you ask me. You shouldn't put a timeline on sex; all that matters is that you're ready. I've never concerned myself with societal expectations; I do what I want, with who I want, when I want to."

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