not your boyfriend anymore // sp

Start from the beginning

"You guys, oh my gosh." you said moving closer to the mirror to really look at yourself.

"Now put that dress on and those shoes and let's go. He'll be pissed if we're late." Toni said nudging you off the stool you sat on.

Once you were finally dressed and ready, Toni and Cheryl ushered you out the door and to Cheryl's car. You sat in the back seat while Toni took the passenger and Cheryl drove. You watched as the buildings that flew passed your window turned into trees as Cheryl drove further into Fox Forrest stopping at one of the parking lots for the trails. Toni got out and opened your door, helping you get out so you wouldn't roll your ankle on the gravel and helped you walk to the trails.

"Did you guys make me buy this dress so you could bring me to Fox Forrest and kill me?" you jokingly asked. Both girls replying with a blunt but humorous yes as they continued to lead you down the trail. Soon lights hanging from the branches that hung over the trail glowed as you got closer to wherever they were taking you. You spotted Fangs and Jughead standing their with bouquets of your favorite flowers, handing them to you when you got close. Veronica and Betty stood not far down the trail from them holding boxes of your favorite chocolates and balloons that read happy anniversary and i love you. Your smile never left but grew wider when you saw Sweet Pea standing under a canopy of hanging lights next to a table with two places set, silver covers blocking the food from leaves falling onto it.

"What is all of this?" you asked taking his hand when you stood in front of him. Toni and Cheryl disappeared and left the two of you alone.

"I know we never really do anything on our anniversary because we don't like going all out, but i wanted to make this one special." he said bending down to kiss your lips gently.

"And i see you took my request into consideration. You look amazing, as always." he said holding your hand in the air and twirling you around to take in your full appearance.

"You hungry?" he asked motioning to the table earning a nod from you. He walked you over to your seat, letting go of your hand to pull your chair out for you and push it back in when you sat down. He bent down and kissed your cheek before walking over and taking a seat at his place on the other side of the table.

"Don't be fooled by all the fancy lights and cutlery, the food is from Pop's because i know you're a picky eater and you don't like all that fancy stuff." he said taking the covers off both of your plates. You smiled warmly when you saw your usual order from Pop's; chicken tenders and extra fries, complete with a double chocolate milkshake. You and Sweet Pea chatted as you ate, talking about everything. You asked him how work was and if everything went smoothly.

"I have something i need to admit." you cocked your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows.

"I didn't actually have business with the Serpents. I asked them to help me set this up. I didn't actually have a job and when i said i was going to be home late the next day, i meant that Toni and Cheryl were going to bring you here and we would both go home later tonight. I've had this planned for weeks." He said.

"You ass. I was worried about you all night at Toni's. And that little shit went along with it and told me i had nothing to worry about." you said throwing a fry at him.

"Sorry, baby. I knew you wouldn't just let me leave for two days without an actual excuse so i made something up. But was it not worth it?" he asked taking your hand in his on top of the table.

"Yeah, i guess it was." you said squeezing his hand.

"Good, now before desert. I have something i want to do." he said standing up. He walked over to you holding out his hand for you to take and helping you stand up without tripping over anything knowing you weren't the best at walking in heels. He brought you to the middle of the light canopy and turned to face you, grabbing both of your hands in his.

"I can't put into words how much i love you and how i don't know what i'd do if you weren't mine. You've made these last eight years the best eight years of my life and i couldn't picture myself spending them with anyone else. But, i don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." the last sentence made your heart drop.your jaw dropped and you let out a gasp. How was he going to break up with you on your anniversary? After such an amazing dinner? Your eyes started filling with tears as you looked at Sweet Pea. Scanning his eyes for any ounce of humor in them. Sweet Pea took a step back, still holding both of your hands and dropped down to one knee. He let go of one of your hands to reach into his pocket, pulling out a blue velvet box.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore because i want people everywhere to know how much i love you even if i'm not there. I want people to know that you're taken when i'm not around and i want to see you in the most extravagant white dress walking down the aisle to me showcasing out love for every love to any and everyone. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, i want to be your husband. So y/f/n, will you please make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" he asked looking up at you. His own tears filling his eyes. You reached out and wiped a tear that fell, giving him a small nod. Not managing to say anything because of the lump that had formed in your throat. He smiled widely opening the box and taking the ring out to slip it onto your finger. He pick you up and spun you around before putting you back down and kissing you passionately.

You heard cheers from all around, pulling away from the kiss to find your family and friends and all of the Serpents standing around. Some with tears in their own eyes.

"You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were breaking up with me." you whispered as Sweet Pea brushed your tears away.

"I would never. You can't get rid of me that easily. But would it be a proposal form me if i didn't do something reckless?" he joked making you laugh and kiss him again before the both of you walked over to your friends and family, receiving congratulatory hugs and high fives.

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