You screamed. Wow, you didn't know how much Bakugo had rubbed his influence on you. You looked around to your surrounding to see what he was trying to do. Build a damn box around you. Mocking you.

"An opening....."

You whispered under your breathe. As Akio busily a roof around you, you noticed that he wasn't quiet done yet. A small opening for you to leave.

You searched through your bag to find anything that could help, that's when you realized that your bag was the weapon that could help.


You called out, slamming your bag on the ground. In a matter of seconds the strap to your bag solidified and turned to a handle of a long mallet, the purse itself hardening to the top of a hammer.


You slammed the ground with your makeshift mallet and flew into the air through the tiny hole. Before you could run off and flee, the roof formed into an arm and grabbed you before takeoff.


You screamed in pain, you were hundreds I'd feet into the air, looking down at the fair. The bright rides lit back up and the games all shone in the night. The moon above you shone, glistened against your scared face.

"You know, you didn't need to leave me"

He whispered. You thrashed around and kicked in his monstrous creation of a hand. You closed your eyes shut and avoided to look down. That— thing, squeezed your body, air could barley make it through to your lungs.

"Was it that I wasn't serious enough for you (y/n)? Was I not good enough!? Look at me now! You're in a serious situation with me you would never be in with childish ol' me!"

He exclaimed, a sadistic strain in his voice.

"Well, look at me now! Who's the dominant one now (y/n)!? Who's the one in charge now (y/n)?!"

You creeped your eyes open just to see no one other than Akio before you. He'd changed since the last time you were with him. Tired eyes ridden with bags underneath them, paler skin than how you left, hair which was unkept and looked gentle to the touch. Lastly the coldness and dead seriousness he had in his eyes. They were no longer their brighter brown, just pure black. No light in them.

"You were always so sick Akio! You were toxic! That's why I left! Threatening to kill yourself if I didn't stay with you! Saying you knew where I lived, how I was like and ignorant. How you thought your quirk could overpower mines any day!"

You yelled, his dark eyes peered into your (e/c) once's. He flinched but bit the bottom of his lip in anger. But stopped for a second to chuckle, than giggle, than laugh. In all stupidity.

"Think my quirk is better than yours? I know so! Look where we are! You lost. I won! Finishing this now is gonna end all of my sleepless nights today! End you today!"

With a hard pound to your head from a single finger from his hand you knocked out. Eyes closed and mouth open. Unconscious.

Akio Hirahara:

Quirk: earth and metals manipulation

Strength: easy to use and function. Straight to the point and works well in close range and far range combat. Can take the form of anything the user pleased.

Weakness: can be overpowered by other elements and broken down slowly. Doesn't work well with  lightning for it breaks down the structure.

̶𝐻̶𝑒̶𝑟̶𝑜 villain name: kio bandit

As Akio reached the ground he felt an uneasy energy in the air. It felt off, like he just dug his own grave. Like— like he couldn't put it on straight why it felt eery.

"Your a stupid little fuck you know that? I'm gonna have great fucking pleasure tearing your body to small tiny bloody parts. The fucking nerve"

Akio jumped up when he heard a voice from behind him, he could've sworn he saw a flash at the corner of his eye.

When he turned he was surprised to see a tiny hole through the wall......— a huge ass hole through the wall. He made eye contact with a group of guys he never seen before. The blonde he remembered being with (y/n) of course, but the others? Never seen them before.

"Oh, that's cool. Bye"

Akio said, turning his back on them. Bakugo buckled his quirk in his hand, angry as he could ever be than that stupid Deku (I don't mean that lord please forgive me).

"Me and my girlfriend were just in a...... argument. She knocked out and caused the outage, sorry"

Akio said with no pity. Bakugo gritted his teeth and burrowed his brows, Shoto and Izuku both noticed this. Making a telepathic plan, hold Bakugo back. They didn't know this dude, didn't know what he was capable of. He knocked out one of the most capable and strongest girl he knew in U. A.

But they knew they couldn't do anything, because by the time they could adjust to anything Bakugo went straight flying to the mysterious man.

"Akio's the name, mind tricks are the game!"

He exclaimed with a sadists voice. Bakugo thrashed his way, never going back, just advancing.

"Bakugo Katsuki's my name. Killing you personally and ending you right here for what you did to my girlfriend is gonna be my game!"

He yelled in all fury. As Bakugo went at it with the so called Akio. Izuku scrolled through his phone, finding anything he could use on the guy. Shoto stepped forward, prepared to help Bakugo in any way he could.

"No wait! Izuku" told the todoroki. The green haired teen showed him the phone and the current article and follow up statistics on the so profound villain.

"Get Kaminari-San now Todoroki—"

"But (y/n)'s in the crossfire—"


*** I'm just gonna resume when kaminari comes with shoto**

"Bakugo out of the way!"

Izuku called, Katsuki being Katsuki of course didn't listen. Continuing to go at Akio with everything he's got. Todoroki came back with reinforcements and intent to get you out of Bakugo's destructive ways.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!—"

"Bakugo stop! Out of the way!"

Kirishima pulled on the blonde, getting him out of Kaminari's way. Todoroki covered himself so he could retrieve you from Akio's grasps.

"Quit it you dork! I'll kill you! Let me go!"

Before Bakugo could finish a bright light struck through the ally, everyone shielded their eyes and hopped out of the way quickly before a way worst damage could be done.

"I'm calling the authorities, Kirishima help hold down that creep"

Said Izuku. As everyone left Bakugo and your unconscious self alone. Bakugo crouched down next to you and clenched his fists.

"Damn (y/n), damn. I-I—.... I'm sorry"

Part 2 soon

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