i want the truth

Începe de la început

~~~~~~~flash back over~~~~~~~

"Hey! What wrong!" harry voice boomed in my head
I look around to see were now the only one here now i look over at harry who look worried
"Sorry spaced out let go" i said he only noded we came close to the dungeon
"This is fine i can make it from here" i told harry
"You sure?" He asked
"Yeah besides im labled as trouble already of i get caught so be it aslong as it not you" i said
"Hey i like being able to see you daily" he mumbled
I gave him a smile and quickly bolted to snape room when i entered bennu was on my bed with a book.

"Whats that?" I asked
"Mythical legends volume four" she replied my eyes widen
"How did you find it?" I asked as i sat on the bed grabbing it.
"Hurry up get your answers someone comming to take it" bennu
I brushed off bennu words and began searching chaper after chapter searching for anything that discribes me. 
Childern of night sky
Also known as shadow knights
These begings are far from myths the are truly a legends.
The shadow night are a Kingdom in another relm they are the most powerful kindom they have ten rulers while other only hold four
There rulers have powerful marking in there eyes the one who hold power are shooting star, wolf paw, hawk claw, Tiger teeth, owl claw, full moon, half moon, new moon but the most powerful are the blood moon and the crescent moon they are the main rulers.
The childern of the night sky come to our relem more than ever now there kindom has fallen there rulers have been killed they came to me one night and told me there story and placing three childern in my care they were rescued from the attack but as quickly as i had these childern they took them place them somewhere they'll learn to act like us and live among us they choose me to take a child here and there until it can be placed again but i learned something these kids wont ever belong here and they can revel themself quickly all it takes is for them to cry.
I tell you this so if you see blood tears falling from the eyes of a person leave them be and make no scene of the situation if you value your life.
-Minerva McGonagall

"Wait she the head of Gryffindor all this time she could have told me!" I screamed a bit irritated all this time some here knew of me
I sighed the door swing open making jump but no one walks in suddenly a girl appears in front of me

Im stunned her blue and red eyes gaze over me there's a large scar going down her right eye with a white star on the side of her cheek her fangs showing and pointy ears showing through her long black braided hair
"Who are you?" I asked
"Nylah should have know it was you how have these years been treating you?" Bennu asked
I look at Bennu and the girl back and forth
"Bennu you woke up again been nearly sixty years" Nylah says in a cheerful tone
"Worse than before but im use to the life" she added
"What the hell is going on?" I said irritated
They both look at me
"So your the little twerp im need that book and I'll be on my way" she said sounding less amused
"Hey give the kid some respect just cause you serve star doesnt mean you have to act like her to" Bennu scolded
Nylah throws her hands up with a grin.
"Sorry when your around the bitch so long it happens......but i really need that book" she said her cheerfulness fades into serious tone
I look at Bennu she gives me a nod of approval i slowly hand the book to her she gladly takes it.
"So star sent you?" I asked
"No she has no clue im here i was given orders from leader" her eyes scan me "i guess you read this already huh?" She ask i simply nod
"Well....fuck..." She sighed
"Sorry about that Nylah my loyaltys belong to her i know i can't tell but I was able to show her enough for her to understand" Bennu says

"Yeah i understand just failing my orders are painful but look of it i have it easier than her" she said look at me scanning my scars

"So that women still works here?"  Nylah looks at Bennu she nods Nylah attention back to me.
"I should tell you this she has this charm that will help out any early awkaning  or uncontrollable childern of our kingdom with the help of that charm you'll have better grip of your powers and less chance of letting slip of what you are just simply say the code word red tear she'll know what it means" Nylah explained

"Funny that the bloody tears is what she finds more intriguing" Bennu laughed
Nylah snickered
"I dont suppose you could tell me more about what i- we are?" I asked
"I cant but end of year things will be explained just injoy yourself while you can" she said as she began fading away

I look at Bennu who looks rather happy "every answer i get only fuel more question and make my confusion grow" i say with a sigh as the doors open snape walk in he open his mouth to say something but i dont let him
"Yeah it was me in the library and do whatever you want exspell me or whatever i dont care i just want to go to bed goodnight"
I close my eyes hearing snape walk away.

~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Time has passed and the end of the school year is nearing hermione had found a book helping us figure out who Nicolas flamel is and we now know it a stone that is being held here.
I gave Dumbledore permission to tell snape that a mad women was after me and im so glad to have cat back i missed her and she absolutely loved the drawing i make for her but i been scared to give professor McGonagall the code word for the charm i keep catching my eyes change Bennu  been bugging me to ask but im not sure if i even want it but i know i would never forgive myself if i ever hurt anyone.

i waited until class ends i stay in my seat while everyone else rushes out into the halls McGonagall gives me a odd look as she walks over to me
"is there something you need miss
(y/l/n) ?" she asked i stare down at the desk "red tear" i whisper as i look up she quickly rushes to close the classroom doors.
"i had a suspicion you were one" she said as she walk back over to me there a hint of sadness in her eyes

"ill have the charm delivered to you tonight" she said
"thank you" i reply as i begin to get up and walk to the door "if you ever need a friend im here for you miss (y/l/n) " i turned to her "i do need one i have questions i really wish for them to be answered" i say she frowns and walk up to me placing her hand on my shoulder "let your questions go and enjoy you time here play laugh because when you get those answer you want life gonna change for you and not for the better" she said in a sad voice i nod "thank you proffesor" i say as i open the door and leave

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