Chapter 2

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The class seemed like it went on forever. It felt like I was counting each minute until the bell rang as I listened to the annoying tapping of a pencil on a desk next to me.

After what seemed like ages, the bell rang. I quickly collected my things and left the classroom only raising my head to open the door on the way out. I didn't bother going to my locker. The door that I leave through was conveniently close to my classroom. As I pushed the door open, I took in a huge breath of fresh air after holding it for the entire period. I walked to the sidewalk right next to the school that led to my house.

Walking home must be my favorite part of the day. I could think about my day, and relax before I came home. One thing I definitely needed to think about was the kid next to me. I didn't even know his name, or what he looked like but he still managed to get on my last nerve. Should I talk to the teacher? No, it was only my first day in a new class. I'm pretty sure I can deal with him, and still get a decent grade in the class. Maybe it would just be a non-permanent seat. My thoughts were interrupted when I got a text from Melanie.

*Hey! How did math go?*

I unlocked my phone and started typing.

*It was okay, not as awful as I thought*

I sent the message and thought of the good things that happened today. I finally got moved up in the class I wanted, and I finished my homework at school so I wouldn't have to do it during dinner. I turned the corner and started walking down my block. I opened the door to find my mom on a business call, and taking some type of concoction out of the oven. I managed to get up to my room without making a sound. My phone was already logged in to my tumblr account by the time sat on my bed. I didn't plan to leave my room unless there was a fire. I scrolled through different posts while wrapping a comforter around my shoulders. I was scrolling through posts when my little sister opened my door and tossed a book on my bed.

"I renewed it. You're welcome" she said before shutting the door.

I grabbed the book and yelled "Thank you, Kaila!" There were definitely perks to my sister's middle school being next to the library.

I read the title, The Mysterious Journey of Edward Tulane. I read the book when I was younger, but when I found out the library had it I had to check it out. I opened to the front page when I was interrupted by my phone buzzing. It was Melanie.

*So the class was fine:)?* I read.

*The teacher moved an annoying kid right next to me:(* I sent back.

I sunk back into my bed and began reading. I saw she replied asking who it was, but I knew we were going to talk tomorrow. I decided to use the rest of my time until dinner to start reading my book again. Besides, I couldn't describe him to Melanie if I wanted to. I don't even know his name.

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