Ch 5||Nightmares

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It's been a few hours and I was starting to get tired.

"Say Yuki San?" Kurapika started not looking away from his book.

"Yes." I answered while reading my book too.

"How come you never told us that you could shape shift?"Kurapika asked.

"Yes I also want to know!" Leorio shouted.

"Because it's the least I could do right now. You guys know too much. Showing my face already put you guys in danger." I answered nonchalantly.

"What do you mean Yuki chan? Who would hurt us?" Gon asked.

"I don't know who. But all I know is I'm all that's left and the only clue I have is a spider carved in wood." I shrugged. Kurapika flinched and quickly put his book down.

"Might I ask how many legs?" Kurapika nearly shouted.

"I think 6 on both sides so 12!" I nodded my head.

"I think what you're talking about is the Phantom Troupe." Kurapika explained while a shadow crossed his face.

"P-phantom troupe?!" Leorio yelled. I shushed him so he didn't wake up Tonpa. I didn't want that faker knowing too much about me or I was gonna have to kill him.

"There are famous thieves and murderers." I explained through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry Yuki." Kurapika looks down.

"I don't know what to think right now. We should all get some sleep." I responded coldly. My eyes glazed over as I put my book down and grabbed a blanket out of my bag.

"I want to sleep by Yuki!" Gon shouts while running towards me. But Killua trips him.

"Not if I get there first!" Killua smirks while running towards me and grabbing me.

"Hey! I called dibs first!" Gon yells while pulling towards him. I hit my head on his hard chest. Killua vein pops.

"Well finders keeper losers weepers!" Killua stuck out his tongue while pulling back and hugging me possessively.

"Oi oi! Why are you guys fighting over me! Just b the I'm wearing this girly outfit doesn't mean I'm not a dude!" I pout crossing my arms.

"Well you like a little brother and needs to be protected by perverted Killu!"Gon yells while pulling me away and hugging me protectively.

"PERVERT?!" Killua glared.

"Come on Gon, apologize Killua didn't do anything." Kurapika scolded.

"What are you talking about? Perverted Killua kissed my poor innocent Yuki chan!" Gon shouts while pouting.

"K-Kissed?!" Leorio and Kurapika yelled. I put my hands to cover my face red from embarrassment.

"Oi! Gon! It's not like that!"Killua yells while pointing at Gon while blushing.  

"Oh But there's more!" Gon yells.

"Yuki was straddling him and his hands were on his waist. That's when we saw his face and he had tears and slapped Killua."  Gon explained while smirking.

"G-Gon Kun! Stop it! It's embarrassing.." I pout.

"Eh! You're not the only who's embarrassed! That was my first kiss!" Killua yells.

"It was mine too! But you make it sound like it was gross!" I shout back.

"That's because it is! Who wants to kiss a GUY. and most importantly YOU!" Killua shouts back pointing at me.

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