Ch 1||Gaia

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"Papa!" I smiled and ran towards the man holding some groceries with his assistant for the Cafe.

"Hello Buttercup!" Peter smiled, dropping his groceries on the counter and crouching down for a hug.

"Guess what day it is!" I grinned looking up while hugging him.

"It's another great day to open up the restaurant!" He smiled, patting my head. I pouted and punched his stomach.

"Oww! Alright, alright! Happy birthday buttercup." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"That means you're one more year closer to getting a boyfriend. They grow up so fast." Sighed Ms. Griffin while patting my head.


"Do I hear boyfriends? You know what that means!" Peter grinned.

"I would rather die than go shopping with you again!!"I groaned.

"(Y/n)." Peter started. I flinched hearing the seriousness in his voice. It was a bit unnerving to hear him call me by my name, considering that he usually calls me by my nickname buttercup.

"Ms. Griffin and I have been talking and we decided to let you go take the hunter exam when you turn 12, because that's when your powers really start manifesting during puberty."Peter announced with a serious expression.

"What was the sudden change of heart? I thought you didn't want me to go because it was too dangerous?"I asked confused.

"We've been training you just in case anything ever happened to us. But we realized recently that we need to up our game and train you harder. So after your birthday first thing tomorrow we will be training 10x harder than what we've been doing before. You're taking the hunters exam."Ms. Griffin smiled.

"For real?! I finally got to go to the hunters exam!! I'm so excited I can-" I was cut off by Peter.

"But. You will be entering on one condition ok maybe two! You must hide your face and identity as a female. Your new name will be Yuki Mills and you'll be posing as a male. And my second condition is stay safe."My Father smiled gently.

"I promise papa I'll keep my identity a secret and stay safe!"I hugged him and he sighed and hugged me back.

"P-papa!" I squirmed.

"Yes, buttercup." He smiled.

"You're hugging me too tight!" I wheezed. His grip loosened and Ms.Griffin smacked him upside the head knocking his glasses off his face.

5 years later

I cut my hair because it kept getting in the way of my training. I learned how to shift into Animals while fighting and shift into a different animal mid attack. If I shift too many times without resting I start to lose strength. Five animals are my limit. Papa gave me a staff that I could fight with and if I hit it on the ground twice it turns into a bow. I learned basic first aid, and what to eat and what not to eat in the wild. I'm immune to some poisons but not all. I became really focused on my training so I never made any friends. Not that I had any in the first place, the only people close to me are Papa and Ms. Griffin who's like a mother to me.

"Buttercup!"my father yelled from the kitchen after closing the restaurant.

"Coming!" I ran down stairs into the kitchen and smiled when I saw a cake.

"What's the occasion?"I asked smiling.

"Well you turned 12 about two months ago and the hunter examination is Tomorrow, so I baked this cake for you! It's your favorite c/f." Ms. Griffin beamed.

Gaia (hunter x hunter) ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora