"Keep your hands in front of you!" She called, sending a kick towards me. I took her advice and put my hands out in front, using my powers to create a shield to block her kick. I ducked under a punch and sent a stream of silver dust towards her. She slid to the side to dodge and then was on the attack once more. We locked in a block-attack sequence which only ended when I tripped on something behind me and tumbled back. Arcee couldn't hold back a smirk as I laughed at my own mess up.

  "And try not to do that in the middle of a fight," She commented, still smirking.

  "Very funny," I said but smiled anyways, and I got to my feet. "Shall we continue?"

  "Are you going to trip over your feet again?" She teased.

  I let out a laugh. "I'll try not to."

  "Then let's continue." She immediately went on attack, giving me barely enough time to throw up a shield to block her. We were in that block-attack sequence again, not paying attention to anything but the next move we were going to make. That's the only reason why this happened next.

  "Amanda, Arcee, what are you doing?" Optimus' voice cut through our sparring match and we both froze. I turned to see the Prime at the entrance of the backyard, having just entered from the driveway, with his emotionless expression on. The one that not even I could read. His eyes darted between us before narrowing a bit, his lack of emotion making me chew my lip.

  "Optimus, we-" Arcee started, but I stepped forward.

  "I asked Arcee to train me," I said, seeing no point in hiding it anymore. "I wasn't going to sit around, Optimus."

  His expression never changed, his eyes darting to me. "I explicitly told you no, Amanda, and I told you why."

  "I know, and I'm sorry that we had to do this behind your back. But I'm not sorry we did it. I need this training, Optimus."

  He didn't say anything for a long moment. "Arcee, follow me. Amanda, stay here. I expect you to listen this time."

  I flinched at his tone, but didn't say anything. Arcee walked by me towards the Prime, giving me an look that told me she had my back. I tried for a grateful look, though it was half hearted, and sat down on the ground, busying myself by ripping out the grass. I really hoped Arcee wouldn't get in trouble for this, since I did sort of force her into a position where she couldn't say no. I highly doubted the Prime would punish her, but I still didn't mean to drag her down with me.

  Raising my head, I looked across the yard to where the two Autobots were standing at the entrance, near the path to the driveway. Arcee seemed to be explaining something to Optimus, who was still and listening. Sighing, I slumped back so that my back rested on the grass and I was staring at the darkening sky.

  I'm in so much trouble.

  But I still wasn't sorry. I couldn't go on running behind the Autobots when some Cybertronian barked in my direction. I hated playing victim, Optimus had to understand that. Right? Before another thought could cross my mind, my vision went silver for a moment, then cleared to show me a scene.

  "Stand down, Ripjaw," Cleona commanded. The Cybertronian in front of her laughed, the sound chilling and unnerving.

  "You may have the power to influence your weak followers," Ripjaw spat. "But you don't command me."

  The goddess didn't move. "I will not grant you entrance to Iacon, so you may either stand down or face me."

  Ripjaw unsheathed a chain with a mace hanging off of it. "I thought pretty goddesses like you didn't their hands dirty."

The Power Within - Transformers Prime (2)Where stories live. Discover now