Awaking with a gasp, the grasp of a strong hand pulled Will back to reality as the cold of the marble floor seeped through his clothing and into his skin, down to the bone. Trembling, sweating and slightly cursing his instability Will knew he looked like a helpless bird that fell out of its nest; he felt pathetic breaking down in front of Hannibal like that.  But one look into Hannibal's eyes read concern instead of the disappointment he was expecting, wordlessly lifting Will up from the ground and onto a near by stool.
Breakfast was spent at the breakfast bar with new cups of coffee and a comforting blanket for William,
"What are our plans?" Will asked in between mouthful of egg.
"I've already taken the liberty of making us both fake ID and passports, and booked two plane tickets into Florence at midnight. You have nothing to worry about, the stress has clearly been getting to you." Will snorted at that remark.
"My symptoms and episodes have always acted up. It's not a matter of raised stress levels as it is an unpredicatable pattern of my brain's behaviour I suppose... although I do worry about what I saw." This provoked a head tilt from Hannibal,
"And what is it you saw?"
"Well... I think it was just... repressed thoughts projected as a hallucination. Do you believe in God Dr. Lecter?"
"I do believe in God, but I do not bow to him nor do I agree with his ways. I believe in his greatness but I do not believe in worshipping his power, as we too can create and destroy just as much as he can." Interesting opinion for a man of academia, but the tone Hannibal used betrayed some sense of bitterness on the topic. Who would be bitter at God, if not for the ones who prayed to him in times of need and were left unanswered. Will wondered what would make a man like Hannibal pray to a higher power... but the thought was chased away by the sound of the door bell. Goosebumps rippled through Will's skin in dread as he read minor suprise Hannibal's face hinting that he was not expecting anyone at this time. Swiftly standing to his feet, Hannibal strode with confidense towards the door whilst Will sunk deeper into his chair in dread. Who could it be? Could the FBI already be investigating the crime scene he had left? We're they going to be questioned? His paranoia only grew when he determined the voice at the door, that of head of the Criminal Behavioural Science FBI institute Jack Crawford, whom he had met when he was a student at the very same academy. Will's eyes widened, his breathing went quite in order to eavesdrop on the conversation at the door;
"How may I help you sir?" Hannibal's cool voice never missed a beat.
"Hello Dr. Lecter, I'm Agent Crawford.
*a moment of brief silence where Will could clearly hear coat fabric being shuffled, assuming Jack had taken out his ID for proof*
I'm here to ask a few questions regarding your latest patient William Graham. He was checked out a day or two prior but can't be found at his home, and as he has little to no friends to ask of his whereabouts I'm taking a shot in the dark here in wondering if you have any means of contact with him. The nurses said you two had grown close over the last few months. " Will's stomach dropped at the thought of Hannibal either lying or exposing him; either way it did not sit right with Will.
"I'm sorry Agent Crawford but I haven't heard from Will since his hospital leave. I admit to being friendly with Mr. Graham as I've offered a ride to his home during his leave but further than that he has not been in contact with me." Hannibal's lies were as fluent as the language he spoke, it was unnerving.
"Ah, I assumed so."
"Will that be all Agent Crawford? I do apologise for not being able to provide the information you needed."
"It's quite alright, as a matter of fact I would like to ask one more thing. During your friendly talks with Mr. Graham, did he ever express any anger or vengeful behaviour on the topic of his attack/attacker? Did he seem like he was planning anything malicious?"
Will felt a wave of nausea hit him in the gut. His crime scene was deffinatly discovered. He was a suspect.
"He gave off no such vibe, why do you ask?" Hannibal's tone shifted ever so slightly, as if he were offended on Will's behalf.
"Well the body of a girl had been found this afternoon, eerily similar to the likes of Abigail Hobbs. And two men had been spotted in the area before the body was discovered, one of which fit Will Graham's description. He's doubtfully the killer, but he is still a suspect we need to consider. " Will couldn't stand the tension anymore and buried his head in his hands in some form of protection.
"In my professional opinion I'm highly doubtful of his capability on murder with the injury he has, and it's against his nature to work in a team. He's always seemed like the lone wolf type to me. Is the witness you questioned truly a reliable one, sir?" Thank god Hannibal was so quick witted with valid good points. More uncomfortable shuffling noices.
"No, I suppose not... It came from the same man who reported Graham's stabbing at Stageriff avenue. He's a known unstable druggie, hard to catch him guilty though of course." Benjy Franklin. That emotional druggie bastard.
"Well then I think our interaction is over, unless I too am a suspect." A dangerous joke.
"No, no that'll be all then. Sorry for the disturbance Dr. Lecter, have a pleasent afternoon." The sound of the door brought Will back from his safety cocoon to turn and face Hannibal walking back from the corridor, his face unreadable but those maroon eyes glinted wider, probably from having just nearly been caught. The risk Will had prooved himself to be self him feeling guilty and worthless.
"We should get going to the airport, we wouldn't want anymore unexpected visits. Grab your coat and blanket if you wish, and meet me by the car. I'll get our bags and our food."
Will nodded solemly. And voiced a hoarse apology
"S-sorry I brought this on you." Without hesitation Hannibal answered softly
"I wouldn't dream of having it any other way"

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