Chapter 2

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Present day (5 years later)

Chloe's POV

I woke with a smile on my face, two reasons. one being, me and Claire were turning 16 today, second, Mrs. Hannah had said that today a group of people were coming to adopt some kids today. Claire had lost hope awhile ago when we first got adopted, but when we told them we had powers... that didn't get to well. 

"all children please come downstairs, and freshen up a bit" was heard loudly from Mrs. Hannah downstairs, man, that women's loud I turned Claire who was still sleeping, I rolled my eyes. I bent down next to her ear and quietly whispered,

"hello, hello I see you in your sleep" I giggled at the last bit, as a smile rose on Claire's face, she soon retorted

"hello hello!" we both laughed as we got ready for today, I had on a pink crop top sweater, with blue denim shorts and white converse with a stripe of red. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail with a red bandana tied in front. Claire, who was waiting by the bedroom door was wearing, a white crop top with black leggings and our matching  white converse.  I smiled at her, she just left going downstairs to eat.

Claire's POV

I was so hungry, I made my way downstairs seeing Emma, Ugg she is always mean to Chloe one time I had a fight with her, I won. I see breakfast and it's waffles, eggs and pancakes, It's only this good when someones coming to adopt someone, then I remember Chloe saying something about it but whatever I wasn't listening, I was busy filling my plate with food. as we all finished our plates, Mrs. Hannah came in with a pearly smile. she motioned us into one line filing us out into the great room. we gasped as we saw one man in the center of the room. he had a big mop of blonde hair on his head, he was tall and buff. he turned around with a wide smile on his face. I looked at Chloe, she immediately grabbed my hand, with a scowl on her face. guessing she doesn't like him. I wasn't surprised, he was wearing shorts and a hoodie with a huge bird silhouette on it. he had nike sneakers on too. she usually wouldn't trust someone without knowing them formally first. I laughed at the thought, as she crossed her arms with a sour look on her face. Mrs. Hannah snapped at her, causing me to laugh harder at her, which got a snap at me. everyone had smiles on their face as Mrs. Hannah fought him into the conference room. as he left everyone then let out large breaths, my face hurt from the strong smile I had put on. I plummeted onto the couch, as the youngest girl, Katie, who was 4 years old sat next to me on Chloe's lap. she looked at the both of us with sad faces,

"I think he likes you too" we both had puzzled faces on, 

"if he picks you guys, who will do my hair? who will sing me to sleep? who will be my bestie?"we both laughed at the word she used, she spends so much time with us she picked up our really idiotic grammar. we both hugged her, me picking her up and twirling her around. she squealed with delight as we put her back down on the couch. she got up from the couch playing with two other girls I didn't quite know. awhile later, everyone went silent. the door had opened, both the man and Mrs. Hannah walking into the room. he still had the wide smile on his face, with made a crease under his bottom lip. Mrs. Hannah looked straight at me and Chloe. she smiled at us, and said

"you are getting adopted" my whole world started spinning, everyone started clapping, as Chloe embraced me tightly. I then pushed her off of me spatting in her face

"get off of me" she released me, both of us with genuine smiles on our faces.Katie ran up to us hugging our legs. we smiled, I ruffled her hair as Chloe high fived her. we walked over to the man, he shook our hands saying

"hey, my name's Logan. nice to meet you girls" we both nodded, running back up to our room packing the small of our stuff. we ran down with both of our backpacks. he showed us to his car, as he opened it, we both gasped 4 extremely cute guys stared at us, smiling and waving. i just kept my head down and went to the back seat. 

Chloes  POV  

ok, so we sat in the back of the car, which helped me a lot, since I couldn't keep my eyes off the boy with ocean blue eyes. I mean he had a really cute tooth gap, I saw one that kept staring at Claire, he had curly hair, I really hoped she wouldn't see him because she would have punched him. I laugh at the thought, they all turn and look at Claire thinking it was her.

"What are you looking at" She says annoyed, I thought she was going to punch them but they all turn quickly in their seats. We stop in front of a Starbucks I see Claire make a run for it but a tall guy comes to the door of the car.

 "Hi I'm Jonah"

"Bye I'm Claire" she says sprinting out of the car the curly headed boy running after her trying to catch her but she had already gotten in the Starbucks. I feel my pocket, the money's gone, dang she's good. we see she is already ordered and sitting down, oh no did she super speed.

Jack's POV

I was right behind her how did she get away, it was like she had super speed or something. I look in the window and see her already sitting down, how.

Claire's POV

Ok so maybe I used my super speed a little, so what I mean it's not like anyone saw me so too bad for them. I hear the bell ring, I knew it was Logan so I hid under the table. I see him walk past so I run out the door, Logan didn't see me, good. Jonah laughs when I get to the car

"I like her, she likes Starbucks so much she ran away for it."

I bow and join in as Logan looks out the window. I laugh and wave at him as he starts yelling about how I can never do that again. I fall asleep on the car ride home.


I'm sorry but I am going away to sleep away camp so I won't be able to post but I will when I get back, Bye besties!!

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