He looked down at the fabric of the clothing he wore, the ones that been bought for him for tonight, tonight was a celebration. Tonight was the beginning of the new year and he got to celebrate.

He was 7 this year, growing fast and learning lots though he had literally forever to learn, and his Hyung would always be there to teach him, that was the promise they had made when they met. Yoongi had been 5 then.

"Jin-hyung." Yoongi spoke in a small voice, the vampire knelt in front of him looking up from fiddling with the light blue clothes he was fitting onto the young boy.

"Yes, Yoong-ah?" Seokjin's tone was soft as he spoke, it always was. He never raised his voice, even when the young warlock broke something.

"How old are you this year?" He asks. He had forgotten since last year, because Seokjin's age never really came up when they spoke.

"This year? This year I am 273." Seokjin smiles. "But you are 7. And that is more important because you are almost in double digits, and that is something you will always miss." He says. He sounded sad, but he went back to dressing the young boy up nicely for the celebrations for tonight.


"Yes, Yoong-ah?"

"Do you remember being little?" Seokjin was quiet a while after he spoke, his hands falling from the boy and his head tilting to look back up and meet his gaze.

"I don't. Not a lot of it." He says, before moving a strand bright orange hair out of Yoongi's face. Seokjin stood, twice Yoongi's high but Yoongi was young, so that is okay. "I need to comb your hair now, okay?" He says. The little one nods.

"Can I have it up like yours, Hyung?" Yoongi asks, pointing at the way the vampire had his mid back length black hair up. Seokjin shook his head.

"You hair isn't quite long enough Yoong-ah." The pair walk to the other side of the room and Seokjin picks the small one up, sitting him on a chair and grabbing a brush, tidying his hair and leaving it down, the slowly darkening orange hairs reaching just past Yoongi's jaw. Seokjin brushed his fringe over his eyes and Yoongi laughed and moved the hair out of his face with his hands.

"Let's go, Yoong-ah." Seokjin stands again and holds his hand out to Yoongi, who takes it and holds it as tight as he can.

They headed to the celebrations in the cold nighttime air and Yoongi saw Seokjin smile as they neared, which made him smile, but Yoongi always smiled.

There was music and food being cooked for them all, all the downworlders of Daegu were there, Vampires and Warlocks alike.

Everyone at the celebration was older than him, bigger than him. A group were dancing around in many coloured fabrics to the music being played, and Seokjin walked them in that direction, wanting to dance with Yoongi, but the little one pulled on his hand.

"Yoong-ah, are you okay?" Seokjin spins and kneels in front of him. Yoongi nods and points to where the smells of lovely food was coming from. "Do you want food first?"

"Yes please, Hyung." Yoongi says. So they go there first to get Yoongi something to eat, then they sit on the stairs as he eats it. He uses his hands of course, he was young enough he could get away with that, and cute enough. Seokjin smiled and watched him, the little one's eyed were more focused on either the food or the dancing being put on by the other party-goers.

"I'm done, Hyung." Yoongi says, Seokjin stands and moves to infront of Yoongi.

"Do you want to dance now?" Seokjin asks. Yoongi nods. The pair of them head down and begin to dance, the cool air filled with laughter from everyone around as they celebrated the coming of a new year.

Yoongi heard something zip through the air. The woman next to him, a warlock, fell to the ground, twitching as blood leaked from the wound caused by the arrow now stuck out of her neck. People began to scream.

Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off the fallen woman as people started to run. He was pushed along though, people running into the trees, through the fence, trying to get out of cover as men and women in black jumped down, silver swords in hand.

More people fell, beside Yoongi, in front of him, behind him. The young boy began to freak out. And finally he noticed.

"JIN-HYUNG! JIN-HYUNG!" He started screaming. But he was being forced along to avoid being trampled. It all went so fast.

Once in the trees Yoongi found somewhere to hide. Listening to other people running past, people falling. Tears began to fall from Yoongi's eyes, where was Seokjin? His blue clothes were stained with mud and blood, his red hair a mess but he didn't care. Where was Hyung? Was Hyung hurt? No. Hyung promised he would always be there. He promised, he pinky promised.

Yoongi started to cry, folding his arms and curling tightly into a ball. He cried and cried, tears dampening his clothing. He cried and cried until he fell asleep.

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