"Fanny, I'm glad you came under short notice."

The woman waved her hand dismissively, "Do not fret, deary. I am just so happy at the news!"

Evemina's eyes bulged out as she hastily covered the woman's mouth. "Fanny!"

The Little chuckled and stepped away with a nod. "Honey, he needs to know. You ain't going to be stick thin for long."

The maiden nodded and placed a hand to the slightly bulged stomach of hers. It had been recently when Evemina discovered that a little person was growing inside of her. She had been secretly going to Azeem who had told her that the baby had been around three to four months.

How she had not known? Evemina was mystified on why she had not known but nonetheless was ecstatic about the infant in her womb. Of course, she was also worried about her new husband. They had been married for only four months and they never talked about having children yet.

Mina was nervous and worried about how her lover would react. Would he be jumping with joy or would he have to take a step back and think it over?

The troubling look was clear on her beautiful face, making Fanny smile compassionately. "He is ready to be a father. Do not worry."

Her hesitant emerald eyes carefully studied the blues of the woman before bobbing her head to her words. With that, Fanny left the maiden to her thoughts as she awaited for her husband to return home.

Her small hand was still placed on her small bump and rubbed it unconsciously as her eyes scoured the forest line for Will to return from hunting.

The men had groups of hunters that would rotate every week or whenever there was a shortage of meat so that there was not someone who would always hunt when they are useful to chores in the forest empire. So this day wad her husband's turn to bring in the food.

Her attention then moved to her bump and began to wonder what was the gender of the little person inside her. A smile graced itself on her face as she realized all of her dreams had come true. She had her best friend who became her beloved husband and now she was growing more little Scarlets in her.

More Scarlets?

She then imagined a small little boy, a replica of Will, effortlessly making snide remarks with a grin. The maiden internally groaned at the thought but nonetheless smiled brightly. No matter what she was going love this baby with out a doubt.

But what if she gave birth to a girl?

Then a image of a small little girl with black hair and emerald eyes or with brown hair and hazel eyes blinked up at her with a guileless smile.

In her heart, she wished that one of the many children she planned to have would look exactly like her husband. No matter if it was a girl or boy... they would be the reflection of the man she loves the most. Not saying she could love her other children any less. No she would love them all equally with all a mother could love her ducklings: infinitely.

Disturbing the most calmly thoughts she had all day, a loud chorus of voices and heavy footsteps through the forest sounded in her ears. The hunters had returned and from the looks of it. They had meat to last them two weeks.

Her eyes scoured the group of men to find her husband. Finally after a free seconds, Will Scarlet appears from the forest line with a small sized doe on his shoulders. Evemina beamed at the sight of the safety of her spouse and the contribution he brought for the people of Sherwood.

In that moment of awe, it distracted her from her worries and focused on how strong and amazing her Will was.

The group of men trekked to a hut nearby where the meat was held where others waited to dress the meats for storage.

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now