Chapter 3 - Dating

Start from the beginning

"Hey Pinetree. Ready to go?" Bill said, moving the sunglasses up to his forehead.
"Y-Yeah." Dipper stammered, blushing as he walked around to the side of the vehicle and climbed into the passenger seat. Bill drove off as soon as the door was shut and Dipper had buckled in. (Wear your seatbelt).

A few minutes of silence passed, and neither boy had done anything to initiate any type of interaction. Until Bill turned on the radio. Disco Girl started to play and Dipper couldn't help but grin. He looked over at Bill, who had a slight smile as well.

"Disco girl," Bill started to sing.
"Coming through," Dipper continued, his grin was face-splitting at this point.
"THAT GIRL IS YOUUU!" They sang together. Both young adults started to laugh, and Bill turned up the radio even higher.

The rest of the ride to the movie theater was filled with them screaming the lyrics to random pop songs. When they pulled up to the theater and parked the car, neither of them could stop laughing.

"Hahaha, oh, that was fun." Bill said, laughter starting to die off. He wiped a few tears off his face.
"Yeah." Dipper giggled. He opened the door to the car and grabbed his bag. Bill followed and they slammed the doors shut.

"So what do you want to watch?" Dipper asked as they walked in.
"I dunno, you can pick, if you want." Bill replied after locking his car with the key.

Dipper walked up to the ticket booth and looked at all the different movies posted up for 4:30 PM. Murder on the Orient Express! Infinity War! Hotel Transylvania 3! ,the sign read in bold lettering.

"Wanna watch Murder on The Orient Express?" Dipper asked, turning to Bill.
"Sure!" Bill nodded. (Sorry guys, I would put Infinity War in but I haven't watched it yet so...plz no spoil.)

"Two adult tickets for Murder on The Orient Express, please." Bill said to the guy manning the booth.
"Alright, that'll be $21.69." the man said in a monotone voice, typing in something on the computer and printing out the receipt and two yellow tickets.

Bill took out his credit card and handed it to the guy, whose nametag read Carl. Carl scanned the card and handed the card, the tickets, and the receipt back to Bill.

"Have a nice day." Carl said.
"Thanks!" Dipper waved before following Bill further into the theater.

"I'm going to go get us some popcorn. I'll pay for it, I feel bad that you had to pay for those tickets." Dipper said, pulling out his wallet.
"Pinetree, it's fine. I'm rich, have you seen my car?" Bill said.
"But still. I insist." Dipper ran off before Bill could say anything else.

After Dipper came back from getting them some snacks, they walked off in the direction of the room that their movie was being shown in. Dipper followed Bill into Viewing Room 3.

"We should sit in the back, that way there's more privacy and a better view of the screen." Bill suggested. He turned into one of the top aisles, and Dipper swore he saw the blonde wink at him before he turned around. The brunette blushed slightly as they sat down, briefly glancing at Bill's face.

The movie started playing as Dipper and Bill plunged their hands into the bucket of popcorn sitting in between them. Their fingers touched inside the box, and they both blushed. Bill twined his fingers with Dipper's, savoring his warm, soft touch.

They didn't pull their hands out for a while.

The entire time they watched the movie, Dipper and Bill could barely keep their eyes off of each other. At one point, Dipper even laid his head on Bill's shoulder. He didn't move his head until after the movie ended and they had to leave.

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