Chapter 2 - The Willow Ball

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"Ughhhh..." Dipper groaned as he hit the snooze button on his screaming alarm clock. He rolled out of bed and rubbed his eyes, turning his head to the blinding sunlight coming through his bedroom window. Only two days before the Ball, Dipper thought as he stood up.

He walked to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth. He washed his mouth out with water and wiped his face. Dipper stared in the mirror for a second, wondering if the Ball would be a disaster like last year.  He sighed.

Dipper walked back to his room and started searching his dresser for a decent outfit. He pulled out a black band tee and a pair of jeans. He pulled off his red shirt and changed it out for the band t-shirt, then changed his gray shorts for the jeans.

After he finished changing, Dipper walked downstairs and made himself a bowl of cereal. He heard a yawn from behind him and saw his twin sister rubbing her eyes after walking down the steps.

"Morning, Dipper." Mabel said.
"Hi Mabel." Dipper said.

Mabel was fully dressed. She walked over to their coffee maker and made herself a cup of coffee with an unhealthy amount of cream and sugar. Then she added a bunch of edible glitter. Mabel sat down next to Dipper and started drinking her coffee.

"Me and Paz finished making your dress last night!" Mabel said excitedly after a few sips. "It's ready for you to try on today, if you want."

"Sure, Mabes." Dipper said. He wasn't that excited about wearing a dress to his least favorite event of the year, but if it made Mabel happy, then he was content.

After they finished their breakfast,the twins went up to Mabel and Pacifica's room, where Pacifica was just waking up.

"Good morning, Mabel." Pacifica yawned. She kissed Mabel on the cheek.

"Hi Paz!" Mabel replied.
"I'm going to go brush my teeth and everything. Oh, hi Dipper." Pacifica said, walking out of the room.

"Hi, Pacifica." Dipper said. He waved as she left the room.

"Dipper's going to try on his dress now!" Mabel yelled after Pacifica.

Pacifica stopped and turned around.

"I'll be out in five minutes. I'm not going to miss this!" Pacifica said excitedly as she ran off towards the bathroom.

Mabel and Dipper turned back to the closet that they were standing in front of. Mabel opened the door and pulled out a blue dress. Dipper gasped.

"Mabel, you and Pacifica did a really good job. This dress looks amazing!" Dipper said.

The dress was a deep sapphire blue, with silver lining on the edges of the folds. It glittered with tiny gold sequins at the bottom of the dress, and it had one right shoulder strap. The folds were layered on top of each other, and they were made of a thin silvery translucent fabric. The top was a soft satin, and it flowed with the rest of the dress. It wasn't see-through, and it was comfortably fit. A blue pinetree was sewn on the back of the dress, and it had a ribbon that pulled the dress together when you put it on. Two little pockets were hidden in the second fold of the dress, just the right size for a phone or wallet.

"Thanks Dipdop!" Mabel said, smiling from ear to ear.

She handed him the dress. Dipper took of his pants and shirt while Mabel looked away. He stepped into the dress and pulled the strap over his head and onto his shoulder. Then he realized he couldn't tie the ribbon in the back.

"Uhh, Mabes? A little help?" Dipper asked.
Mabel turned around.
"Oh sorry bro-bro. Here!" Mabel answered, reaching for the ribbon.

"Turn around." Mabel said. Dipper obeyed. She grabbed the ribbon and started to pull it back. She crossed the two sides and made a bow. Then she pulled it slowly, but increasingly tight, waiting for Dipper to tell her whether it was too tight or not.

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