Episode 4: Music Madness- Immunity Challenge Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Much like before, at Chris' command, everyone smashed their eggs; this time everyone smashed their eggs on themselves. Upon looking at their own paint, they immediately looked around them to see who would be with them on the same team. Some close connections remained intact: Katelyn & Devin were still together, Alejandro and Laila were still together, and Amalia & Daniel were still together. What caught people off guard were the colours of the paint. Blue and red were still present, but there were also people who had eggs with bright green paint, leaving several of them confused.

"Alright, for those with blue paint please stand on the blue mat, and those with red paint please stand on the red mat," Chris ordered, causing ten of the sixteen campers to stand on their respective mats, "If you have green paint, please gather in between the two mats."

"It's been getting pretty difficult to think of new ideas to keep the show 'fresh'. Until an int-I mean, I thought of the idea to have an scheduled team swap, and add a brand new team into the mix! Genius!"- Chris

"On the blue team, still known as the Merciless Moose, are Ellie, Callie, Katelyn, Devin, and Kiana. On the red team, still known as the Wild Wolverines, are Daniel, Laila, Alejandro, Amalia, and Alexander," Chris reported before turning to the team with no mat, "On the new green team, from hereon in known as the Chaotic Cougars, are Veronica, Matthew, Tory, Aaron, Zeyad, and Rhythm. Feel free to talk a bit with your new and old teammates."

With that, everyone began engaging in conversation with their teammates. At this point, everyone reverted back to their day one strategy: putting on a smile and being kind, hoping to make new allies with those who don't know who they are as a game player. This was an opportunity that no one wanted to pass up.

"I'm not upset, considering that I still have two of my alliance members with me, but I lost Amalia, Ellie, and Callie, so I don't really have anyone that I can trust 100%."- Veronica

"I'm feeling good. I have Aaron and Rhythm with me, and I'm sure that I can get Matthew to vote with us; he's the definite physical liability on the team, so he kinda has to vote with us if he wants to stay in the game. Although...it would be a bad idea to underestimate him, so I should try a more positive approach..."- Zeyad

"I'm feeling pretty good about my team. Not just in terms of my alliance, but with our chances of winning challenges. Alexander brings intelligence, Amalia brings confidence, and Alejandro & Laila are pretty athletic. At least, that's from what I've seen."- Daniel

"This is either really good or really bad. I haven't talked to Amalia, Daniel, or Alexander yet, and I haven't talked to Laila in a while, so I don't know if I have any definite allies. I gotta get to talking."- Alejandro

"This is perfect! I'm in the majority with my two most trusted alliance members! Kiana is extremely loyal, and Devin has proven himself to be useful. I'm open to talking to Ellie and Callie, because if this team can get on a winning streak, I might be able to pull them into a merge alliance."- Katelyn

"This isn't good. I'm sort of alone on my team. Yes, I have Ellie, and I do plan to talk to her more, but as far as the original teams go, I'm outnumbered."- Callie

"Alright, now it's time for the challenge!" Chris declared as everyone turned to face him, "While it's not always required, talent does help when you want to be famous. For today, you will show your talents on this stage as part of your challenge!"

This challenge left many of the campers intrigued. Many of them recalled this challenge from the first season of Total Drama, and they began thinking about what they could possibly bring to this challenge. While some were excited, some were concerned, uncertain if they had the talent to win the challenge.

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