Chapter Eleven - Is It Love?

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I want to be addicted to the night sky with you. Fall in love with the twinkling stars and be cuddled by the moon's halo. I want to sleep under the sunrise that graces your skin every dawn so I can feel the warmth of your touch on me. I want to devour life pleasure with every kiss from your honey glazed lips. M.F.C.

To my surprise I didn't end up sleeping the entire even with my exhaustion, I actually didn't sleep much at all. 

Instead I woke up early and did my morning exercises and found out what had happened to Iida's brother. Apparently it was a villain called the hero killer, and according to his record it was a miracle that Iida's brother had survived at all. Figuring out which hospital he was at I decided to go over, I knew he had trained doctors but at the same time I couldn't help but want to at least check that I couldn't do anything. Knowing that there was a good chance that Iida was still asleep probably having been at the hospital late the night before.
So leaving early I arrived just before visiting hours started. 

"Hi, I was wondering if I could visit Mr, Iida?" I ask the lady at the front desk.

"Are you a relative?" She replies unemotionally without looking up.

"Um, no." I say hesitantly a little nervous about what I was going to say next" I was actually wondering if I might be able to help.

"Are you a doctor?" She asks sarcastically looking at me now.

"No but.." 

"Then how are you supposed to help"   She interrupts just as a man in a lab coat approaches behind her to get some papers.

"Well it's my quirk" I say in a rush trying to get the words out before she can interrupt "see my names Angelica Akuma and my mother was a doctor" at this she looks at me curiously and the man beside her even stops what he's doing to look up at me, his eyes examining me carefully. 

"You do look like Wendy," he says his voice kind.

"You knew my mother?" I say curiously And he nods.

"We worked together for years before I switched hospitals, she truly had an amazing quirk and a rare one at that too. I've seen people with quirks that can speed up healing in the years since but never anyone that could use their energy to actually repair damage like that. I was quite sad to hear when she passed. But why is it you're here now?" I can feel heat rush to my cheeks at what he's saying about the quirk me and mother share. 

"My friend's brother is in the hospital, and I came to offer my help," I say awkwardly "see I have a similar quirk to my mothers, and although I'm sure you have many gifted doctors here I felt I wouldn't be doing my job as a friend if I didn't check" I finish a little more confidently having convinced myself a bit more. 

"Well this is quite unusual" he say carefully "seeing as you aren't licences I can't recommend it as his doctor, but" he adds thoughtfully "you could explain to him what your offering and he can legally agree as long as the hospital is not technically involved it should be okay since there will be no liability issues then..." 

"You think I can help then?"  I ask eagerly in response.  

"Yes, I actually think your quirk might be helpful in this situation" he smiles at me "now come with me and we can see if he's conscious now" and with that, he turns down the hall with me trailing behind.

After a conversation with the older Iida brother - who was indeed conscious at the time - he agreed. I wasn't sure if I would be able to help him fully after seeing the extent of his injuries but that wasn't going to stop me from doing everything I could. I quickly realized I wouldn't be able to heal him entirely at once especially after how much energy I had spent the day before. But the doctor agreed that even the first healing had improved his condition and if I continued to come back he would likely get better than he would have otherwise. Mr. Iida thank me so much I felt self conscious, but I understood why Iida admired his brother so much, and I saw their similarities. Still I made him promise not to tell his brother that I was coming until I was done, I couldn't bear to get his hopes up without being certain. After leaving I felt exhausted but at the same time I knew I had done something important.

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