Part 9

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Today kind of sucked. Alexander has only been here for two days and him and Hannah are already going out and tied at the hip. Most of the day I felt alone and bored. Alexander apparently has all the same classes as Hannah. How is he even in our grade? I thought he was 18... I guess I'm just jealous because Hannah is kind of the only person I talk to at school. I have other friends, but they've been distant ever since the semester changed.

After school time flew by fast with my boredom. After dinner I walked up to the gas station to get a soda. The sun was starting to set and it was getting darker. When I got to the gas station I got a soda for my mom as well as myself. As I walked out I saw The same boy that I had seen at Walmart. Or should I call him a man? Yes, the same man. He looked up at me and I got lost in his deep emerald eyes. So lost in fact that I tripped over something, great, probably my own feet! I closed my eyes, wincing as I expected pain to come from hitting the pavement, but it never came. I felt a warm pair of arms catch me.

I looked up as a deep, smooth voiced asked, " Are you okay?" I blushed as I straightened myself trying to step away, but his strong arms held me tight against his chest. I blushed even more.

"Ummm... yeah, but could you... let me go... please?" I asked embarrassed.

"Oh! Yeah, sure" He said as he loosened his grasp on me. I stepped back blushing and looking down. I probably looked really stupid. I tripped over literally nothing! Oh! And what about my clothes? Damn it! I was wearing jean shorts and a messy and probably stained hoodie! My hair was probably a huge messed, tied into a giant messy bun! I probably looked like a hobo!

I started to walk away when he asked "Hey! Umm... what's your name?" I looked surprised he would even talk to me looking like this!

"I'm... Abby" I said embarrassed. Why couldn't I have an interesting name?

"Hi Abby! My name is Lysander. Why is an innocent girl like you walking around this late at night? Don't you know it's dangerous?" He replied. Dangerous? Where was he from? This is a small town where barely anything happens... "Why don't I give you a ride?" He asked with a smooth and seductive tone. I looked up into his eyes knowing I shouldn't go with a stranger, but falling into his eyes again.

"Yeah... thanks" I said, my feet moving on their own.

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