part 2

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At that time I had no idea what I was thinking. Here I was, walking into the rev. with Abby and suddenly this man was smiling and walking toward me. He was taller than me, with dark brown hair that could almost be black and it was a somewhat long, shaggy mess, but didn't look bad. His body was lean and looked like he had some muscle. He was wearing a band t-shirt that he probably just bought, jeans, and converse shoes like most regular boys. He looked about 17 or 18, but a bit more mature than the normal ones. Why was he walking toward me? Maybe he's just walking to the door because his hot girlfriend was behind me. No, he was defiantly smiling at me.

I looked at Abby in wonder; she just shrugged and looked at him. Now he stopped right in front of me smiling. He took my hand and kissed it! What?!? Who does this?!? Every guy should! It was so... so hot! He had such mysterious eyes, like he knew so much yet nothing at all. And then I heard something beautiful. He had spoken; his voice like a soft blanket of warmth surrounding my ears. It was deeper yet softer than any voice I've ever heard; Seductive even.

He said "hello, my name is Alexander". Alexander! Even his name seemed mysterious and sexy! My reply was not nearly as seductive.

"Uh-umm.... Well... what?" was my genius reply.

While Abby intruded, "hi! This is Hannah and I'm Abby; her twin!" Ugh! Why'd she say that? It's kind of embarrassing... but he just smiled.

"Well, nice to meet you. May I have the pleasure of your company tonight?" he replied. What was he saying?!? Was he crazy? He wanted to hang with me, when he could probably have anyone he wanted.

"S-sure!" I said hoping I smiled back right!

How come he had such a bright smile while his eyes seemed dark and sad? Oh well, because he wants to hang with me! Now all I have to do is send Abby away so we can be alone, but it's impossible because I'm the only one Abby will really hang out with here. I wonder if she'll understand if I tell her? Probably not, besides what if he isn't nice and is really a freak, at least I'll have a witness! The music starts and he takes my hand and leads me into the other room.

Some of the other girls begin to gawk at him. All except Abby; I wonder what's wrong with her. Is she not into hot guys or does she think he's out her league? She never shows interest anyways so what does it matter? Anyways back to Alexander! He leads me to the front, smiling all the way there. Why is he so happy? Does he really like me that much? The music was so loud my body was shaking to the beat because of the vibrations. He started bobbing his head along to the beat like many others. I was so happy, today has been the best day, because not only was this hot guy with me, but Lift the Burden was playing at the same time! Abby started bobbing her head too, so I joined in while the crazy emo people behind us, flung their bodies wildly. Thank god that after a few songs Abby had to go to the bathroom and I drug Alexander outside so I could try and talk to him.

"ummm can we talk?" I asked.

" Sure! I do want to learn more about you!" he smiling even more.

"Umm, then what's your favorite color? Your favorite band? How old are you? What school do you go to? Why did you come over to talk to me?" I said running out of breath.

"Well..." he said considering me questions. "Black and red. Anything. 18. None. And I love you." That last part took my breath away. L-loved me? For real? But he didn't even know me, let alone be able to love me... could it be... love at first sight? He didn't even sound embarrassed of what he said.

"What?" I asked, very confused.

"That was my answer to your questions." He explained. Well I knew that. "Same to you!"

" Well... black and red. Changes every now and then. 16. Litchfield high school. And you came to talk to me." I replied, at least I didn't say umm!

"About that last part, I..." He said as my phone rang and interrupted him. I looked at it. Grrr! It's my dad.

"What?!?" I growled as I answered the phone.

"I'll be there soon" he replied right before he hung up. Great my night will end sooner than I thought.

"Continue... please!" I said to him.

"I..." he tried to say again. Then Abby came outside.

"Hannah! There you guys are! You disappeared on me! What's up?" She said.

"My dad will be here soon to pick us up" I said disappointed. I turned back to Alexander and asked. "What were you going to say?"

"Umm... never mind" he said as he slipped a piece of paper in my hand and walked away. "See you next week!" My heart felt like it was overflowing. His smile mad me want to faint. He soon was out of sight, but I kept staring in that direction. I could hear Abby blabbering beside me, but I wasn't really listening. He said he loved me. I knew it wasn't smart to just believe someone I didn't really know, but I didn't care. I decided to make him mine.

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