Part 6

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After class they headed out into the crowded hallways and Hannah lead him to the spot that she meets Abby before the next class. When she sees Abby she tries to get her to notice that she wants to go talk to Alexander alone. Good thing she caught on as Hannah rushes away toward the band room and stops in an empty hallway. She turns to him as they stop. He looks at her somewhat confused and then realizes that they are alone to talk.

"Ummm... well" He says as tries to think of how they say it now a days. "Will you... go out with me?" He asks unsure of her response. She blushes so much that she was red as a tomato, like always when she is embarrassed.

"Y-yes!" She responded. His answering smile was more than she expected.

"Great! I was thinking we could go on a date tomorrow." He responded.

"Ummm... I'll have to ask my mom... I think...?" She sounded unsure.

"Okay!" He agreed.

After that embarrassing scene, they headed to their next class with just enough time to make it before the teacher walked in. Hannah sat down beside Abby and Alexander sat in front of her. Abby looked at Hannah quizzically. She ripped out a chunk of paper and scribbled "what's going on?" on it. Hannah just blushed and scribbled 'Me and Alexander are going out now! Yay!" . Abby smiled in return and gave her a thumbs up.

Abby looked happy on the outside, but what they didn't know was that she was very jealous. She was not only jealous that Hannah was with someone as cool as Alexander and had someone to like, like her, but she knew that her best friend would start to drift away...

OMG! Not another vampire story!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon