"Yeah, I wish I could go but I have a meeting on Saturday."

"That's ok, we can go as a whole family another time."

"Do you think the girls will be upset if you only take one of them?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe you and whoever stays here could do something fun on Sunday."

He nodded. For the rest of the evening we looked at flights and I called my dad to tell him what was going on.

The next morning started normally. At 6, the girls came into our room and woke us up. As Oliver started getting ready for the day, we told the girls about what was going on.

"Girls, tomorrow Mommy is going to go visit grandma in Montana," Ollie said.

"Really? I want to go," Maddie said.

"Me too," Olivia added.

"Well, I can take one of you and the other one will stay here with Daddy and you guys will have a fun weekend," I said.

Ollie nodded. Olivia and Maddie perked up.

"Maybe we should flip a coin to see who'll do what," I said.

"Good idea," Oliver added.

I found a quarter and we decided that Olivia would stay with Oliver and Maddie would come with me. Olivia wasn't too upset after she and Ollie started talking about what they could do together.

That evening, after Ollie came home from work, we had a quick dinner and Maddie and I left for the airport in a taxi. I was wearing a loose purple t shirt and leggings while Maddie was wearing pajama shorts and a t shirt. We would be arriving in Montana around 1 in the morning, so we needed to stay comfy.

When we arrived, I grabbed our suitcase and held Maddie's hand. We checked in, found our gate, and bought a couple snacks. Even though I was 22 and a mom, I had never flown alone. The last time I went on a plane was about a year before my mom died, when I was 15. We used to go on trips every summer, but after she passed away and I got pregnant, we stopped. Maddie had never been on a plane, so she thought every part was super exciting.

At 9:15 pm, we boarded the plane and found our seats. Maddie sat by the window, looking out curiously.

Four and a half hours later, I was awoken by a jolt as we landed on the ground in Billings. Maddie stayed asleep on my lap. I smiled as I looked down at her next to my belly.

As people started to get up, Maddie woke up. She rubbed her face and pushed her dark curls out of her face.

We got our bags and took a taxi to my hometown, Laurel, which was about 30 minutes away from the Billings airport.

Finally, at 2 am, we pulled up to my dad's house, which is where Maddie and I were staying. She had fallen asleep again on my lap, so after I paid the driver, I carefully picked her up and grabbed our suitcase. I quietly walked up to the door and went in. My dad was in the living room, reading.

"Hi dad," I said quietly. He turned around and smiled, standing up to greet us. Maddie lifted her head up from my shoulder and looked around.

"I'll go put her down for bed and then we can talk," I whispered.

I went into Maddie and Olivia's old room and lied her down on the bed. My dad had built two twin size beds for the girls after I moved out for when we visited.

Once she was tucked in, I gently closed the door and switched off the light.

"How was the flight?" My dad asked.

"Good," I said, yawning.

"I can't believe how much you've grown," he said, looking at my stomach. It had only been 6 weeks since we moved, but my belly had grown a lot.

I nodded. "It's crazy."

"Well," he said," I should probably let you get to bed."

"Sounds good," I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Love you."

"I love you," he said.

At 4 am, I was woken up by Maddie climbing into bed beside me.

"What are you doing baby?"

I heard her sniffle. "I don't want to be alone."

"Do you miss Olivia?"

She nodded. The girls had never been apart, so I understood why she was upset. I hugged her and held her close to me.

"We'll be back home soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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