Pajama Situation

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Jemma's POV

We realized the time and had to go back to the campus and head to bed. So we finally leave the bakery and get into the car. I realized that I could barely keep my eyes open so he drove us back to campus. When we finally got back we walked inside and up the two flights of stairs and finally into our dorm room. I start to get undressed and then I hear Leo saying something while flailing his arms.

"Woah woah woah! I'm right here! At least change in the bathroom!" He starts laughing. I let go of my shirt and laugh with him. "Oh yea, I forgot. I probably shouldn't change here." I head to the bathroom with my pajamas and then take a quick shower, put on my pajamas, brush my teeth, and then wash my face. I come back out and Leo is still standing there and still wearing all of his clothes and hasn't changed.

"You do know you could've changed while I was in the bathroom. It would've saved time." I say while laughing. "I mean oh well right? The bathrooms open now so go ahead." I start to walk to my bed and Leo just stands there. "Here's the thing." He rubs the back of his neck looking very embarrassed. "Since I don't have a car, I wasn't able to buy pajamas. I usually sleep in just my boxers. I swear I was going to buy some because I remembered that we were sharing a dorm but, I just, I couldn't." He wasn't making eye contact with me and I just started laughing. He started doing the confused laugh that people do when someone else laughs at a situation in which they shouldn't laugh in.

"I'm so sorry for laughing, but, I don't mind if you wear boxers to bed. I mean, as long as you don't mind. Just make sure you brush your teeth. That's where I draw the line." I say still laughing. "Oh ok. But tomorrow maybe would you like to take me to the store to buy some?" He asks. "Sure why not." I walk over to my bed and get under the blankets and then grab my book. Normally I would watch Doctor Who while going to bed but seeing as I'm in school now, I'll stick to reading.

   He walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I continue reading my book for another ten minutes and then the shower turns off and about 3 minutes later Leo walks out in his boxers.

   "Um... uh, hi." Leo says after a little bit. I think I just got caught staring. I think to myself. I clear my throat, "Hello. Uh, I was just reading my book." I say while putting it in the air to show him. "Oh cool. I brushed my teeth for you." Leo says while showing me his teeth and laughing. "Oh for me? You mean you don't normally?" I respond while laughing with him. "No no, that's not what I meant! I meant because you told me to I did and-" he was now stammering. I start laughing and then interrupt him. "It's ok Leo I didn't mean it like that either. I was just joking." I say still laughing. "Oh yea I- I knew that." He says. "So what book are you reading?" Leo asks me. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's one of my favorites." I answer. "You like Harry Potter?" Leo asks. "Of course I like Harry Potter! Who doesn't? It's one of the best book series ever!" I answer "I know! What house are you in?" "Ravenclaw, what about you?" "Hufflepuff, though I wish I was a Ravenclaw." He says. "Who's your favorite character?" I ask him. "Book Ron. In the movie he was so different and I prefer the book version." He answers. "You prefer the books?" I ask him. He nods his head. "Of course! Books are way better than movies." He went and put his clothes away and then moved over and sat on my bed. "Which book is your favorite?" I ask him. "Uh, probably the fourth. Goblet of Fire." He answers. "Hey mine too! We have a lot in common don't we?" I ask. "Huh, we do don't we? That's really cool." He answers. "Yea it is." I answer.

"Hey, would you like to play a game?" I suggest. "Yea sure, what game though. It's not like we have board games lying around." He says while laughing. "Ummm, lets play Twenty Questions. Except not the normal way" I say. "Yea sure. But what way then?" He asks. "Well instead of thinking of something and asking about it, we just ask random questions about each other." "Ok yea, sure we can do that. You go first though." He says "But I wanted you to go first!" "Nope, you picked the game, you changed the rules, you go first." He says. "Ugh fine. First question. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" I ask. "Mint chocolate chip. Hands down, best flavors of all time." He answers confidently. "Well I disagree." I say back. "My favorite is strawberry and that's the best flavor. You can't convince me otherwise." "Ok, I'll accept that one of us is going to graduate, and the other isn't." He responded. "Yep. And that's me." I said. "Think what you want, it doesn't make it right." He said. "Whatever, your turn." I say. "Ok, my first question. What's your favorite TV show?" He asks. "If you disagree on this, we cannot be friends. Doctor Who." I respond. "I love Doctor Who so much! It's my favorite also." He says. "Good because I wanted to be friends so you were going to have to like it anyway." I respond. "My turn. What was it like back at home?" I ask.

Leo just looks at me and doesn't respond. I sit there in silence and wonder if I said something wrong. "I'm sorry, did I say something?" I ask. "Yes you did. But if we're going to be roommates I guess you should know at some point. But it's a long story. So, I'm going to bed. I might tell you tomorrow. Maybe not. Goodnight Jemma." He said while walking back to his bed. I say there speechless for about five minutes before pulling the blankets up and falling asleep.


HEY LOOK IM BACK OMG!! Thank you so much to Shieldfansunite for giving me the idea of the title for this chapter! The next one is gonna be sad😭 I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE ESPECIALLY TO ESTHER😭😭

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