Turn 01: An Allegiance Formed

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"A DotA team. Let's form one, and let's see who's better--a group of coordinating newbies who help each other, who communicates well and helps in every way to win or a group of people who never care at all for his teammates and curse each other and talk crap?"

It wasn't such a good idea for Jenro, only been playing DotA for less than four months, to say something like that to a bunch of people he barely even knew. He said that one battle where he played as Mangix, his favorite hero, and frequently typed in allied chat about what his other teammates would do.

Their reaction--STFU noob.

Damn it, Jenro was heavily frustrated. He never did anything wrong...he just wanted to lead others to that victory that he always longed for.

And others blamed him for his team losing.

"These crap of a people frustrate me so much, I'm in a rancor right now..." Jenro stated to himself, after exiting the game.

Jenro couldn't face it. He knew full well that DotA is a game that required teamwork. But these people he played with didn't understand it a single bit. He watched that one replay of Ks.int, how they played in an awesome manner--coordinating real well and calculating each moves and patterns brilliantly, and without failure.

But these people he played with in battle.net think DotA as something different. People only play for their own achievements, people never care for their other teammates, people never bother to save a dying ally being chased and slowed by a Viper. People only play it for fun, for the most coveted Beyond Godlike streak. They never care about others, they only care about themselves. Yes, people play to look good. People play to become invincible to the eyes of others. People didn't care. People didn't bother.

Jenro, the analytical and annoyed 15 year-old kid, had his dreams put to an end.

Or so he thought.

-------------The Story of A Newbie Team------------

The rise and fall of the aspiring DotA players.

Turn 01: An Allegiance Formed

Jenro slouched, wearing that usual angry and annoyed look on his face. He rearranged his glasses often-those glasses that made him look like a nerd. Not much people were acquainted with him in the classroom, but they knew full well that Jenro was intelligent.

Jenro was in 8th grade, class C. Despite his lazy and lame demeanor, many knew him for his intelligence and smarts. He was appreciated by his professors-he had that knowledge none of his classmates had. He was different, he was a genius.

One day, Jenro was walking in the busy streets of Newborne Town, a town filled with smoke, vehicles, karaoke bars and shirtless guy hanging out. It was a crowded town, but you can see the clouds at the skies clearly.

It was that day he got into DotA. Somehow he was curious about it, though he wasn't really psyched when someone asked him to play. He thought of it as your average, "killing-similar-to-Counter-Strike" game, but it seems he was mistaken.

Jenro has been familiar with Warcraft III before. He played some of the characters there and noticed Kardel, the rifleman. He never really seemed to like it that much because of the concept of killing, but he was wrong. He never did really well with the game (last-hitting, farming, killing was not his forte) but his ability to calculate the situations was astounding, but he didn't have the proper reactions and abilities to put them to work. He also knew all 90+ heroes in just a matter of days.

But no one cared.

People were like that anyway. They never cared at all. We, the human race, are selfish. We can't deny that.

Story of a Newbie DOTA TeamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ