"Wanna learn some coin tricks?"

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A/n: *cough* Ya like angst? (I'm sorry in advance. Heavily based on this comic made by DesperateComics on Tumblr and the voiceover by TehRogue on Youtube :D. And I'm very sorry about the late post but I'm very thankful for the 200+ reads! )

  November 5th  2059                7:51 PM,

After a grueling day of hard work, Connor had decided to visit Lieutenant  Anderson. It had been decades after their first case working together, ultimately becoming friends by the end of it. Maybe even more if Connor had thought about it. He stepped gingerly, almost making a pattern. right, left, right, left.

Connor had often wondered about  how come his life had come to this. There were many times when Connor wished he never developed any feelings. Or rather any feelings any feelings towards the Lieutenant . His LED became deep red, reflecting obvious discomfort as he reached the front door of the Anderson household, the house he once felt welcomed to.

There was a part of Connor that wanted to turn away from the door and go back to the station, possibly finding work to drown himself in. Another part of him wanted to stay with Hank, maybe talk to him about normal things, like cooking or sports or how his day was.

Or even, provide him a sense of domestic life. To act as if they were family, despite their differences.  It almost  seemed like lifetimes as Connor fought with himself, eventually his optimistic side winning. And  without another thought, he placed his hand on the knob and slowly opened the door.

Connor looked around first, noticing the changes. There were less beer bottles scattered across the living room, and the usual filled his ears. "Sumo?" He shouted, expecting a bark to break eerie silence but instead, he heard nothing.

"Oh," Connor thought to himself, " Sumo passed last year, it must have slipped my mind or an error in my software for me to have forgotten ." He inhaled deeply, trying to push away his thoughts. His memories, his emotions. He walked away from the living room into Hank's room, trying his best to smile for the old man in front of him.

As much as he didn't want to acknowledge it, Connor was happy to see the Lieutenant. His LED shined a bright blue, as he bent down to Anderson' height, in order to get a better glimpse of the bedridden man.

"Hey,kid" Hank said, holding out his left hand for Connor to shake while fiddling with a coin using his right hand. Connor shook his hand, almost chuckling at the sight of Hank attempting Connor's signature coin toss. "Hello Hank. How have you been?"

Hank simply shrugged and went back to his coin. After a couple of minutes had passed, he looked at Connor. "Hey, kiddo. Wanna learn some coin tricks?"
Hank asked " Some guy taught me how to do it." Connor felt a rush of hope flood through him. Maybe, just maybe Hank remembered him?

"Do you know their name?"

" Their name...? Hmmm..... I can't remember? Doesn't matter." Connor had felt his shoulders drop as his LED had turned into yellow. For a split second,his smile had dropped into a frown. However, Hank didn't notice it.

" So? What do you say? Wanna learn some coin tricks?"

"Sure, Hank. I don't know how to do that." Connor answered

"Yeah.... who are you again?"

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