Chapter 9. -The one with Court's advice.

Start from the beginning

Jen puts her hand on her growing belly and starts to think about everything she's looking forward to. Like meeting their child for the first time, holding it for the first time, seeing Justin hold it. But the one thing she can't wait to figure out is if it's going to be a boy or a girl.

Jen's phone starts to ring while she's caught up in her own thoughts. It's Court, so she answers it right away.

Jen : Hi.
Court : Hi, you made it to New York yet?
Jen : Oh yeah, we landed last night.
Court : So how are the two of you?
Jen : Well, Justin took off to a meeting just now, and...
Court : I kinda meant you and the baby.
Jen : Oh, we're fine. Everything's fine.
Court : Is something wrong? You seem a little bit off.
Jen : No, it's nothing. I'm just you know, thinking about stuff. Like always.
Court : Mhm. Tell me Jen.

Jen walks over to the bed again, and sits down.

Jen : The thing is, uhm that. I'm kind of getting the feeling that Justin is, uhm. That Justin's kind of nervous.
Court : Nervous? Nervous about what?
Jen : Oh you know, nervous about the baby, and everything.
Court : What makes you think that?
Jen : Because, uhm. We kinda had this little fight, last night about the paparazzi, and what we're going to do about them when the baby's here.
Court : Of course he's worried about that.
Jen : Hm?
Court : For starters, he's a man, and you know how men get every time something new is happening with their life. Besides, he's probably just not used to that amount of attention.
Jen : Mhm.
Court : And Justin's really protective of you, and now the baby. He's just worried about you. Let him be worried. It just means that he cares, and that he loves you.

There's something about Court's perspective on things that just makes Jen feel so much better. No matter what happens in her life, she knows she can always go to Court for advice, and Court can always come to her.

Jen : Yeah, you're right. It's just me, I'm always overthinking stuff.
Court : I know that. And Justin knows that too. You shouldn't worry about this Jen, especially not if anything else happened after your little fight, if you know what I mean...
Jen : Oh I know, and uhm...
Court : See. You guys wouldn't be doing that if you were still mad at each other.
Jen : Some people do hate-sex.
Court : But Jen. You don't do hate-sex. You do love-sex. And I know that Justin does that too, at least after everything you've told me before.
Jen : I should really stop telling you details about my sex life.
Court : Well, if...
Jen : But there's one little incident that happened on the plane that I've been dying to tell you about though.

Jen goes on to tell Court about everything that happened in the bathroom of the plane, everything she hopes will happen today, and it turns out to be a conversation that'll last for hours. She gets dressed while they're talking, a pair boyfriend jeans, and shirt. She makes up the bed, she eats, she goes through some messages. They talk about everything and nothing, it's like they're sitting right next to each other the whole time.

Justin : Jen! Honey!

Jen suddenly hears a familiar voice calling for her from the living room. It's Justin, he's back from his meeting. Already.

Jen looks at the clock and realizes that she's been talking to Court on the phone for about four hours. She's standing in the bathroom now, with a curling iron in her hand, because she wanted to look a little nice for him.

Jen : It's Justin. I gotta go honey.
Court : Oh okay, say hi to him for me.
Jen : I will. Love you, bye.
Court : Oh and don't forget what I said about worrying too much, okay?
Jen : Yeah, I'll try to be low key.

Jen gets off the phone with Court, turns off the curling iron and walks into the living room, where Justin's sitting on the couch waiting for her. He's hiding something behind his back, and Jen is dying to figure out what it is.

Jen's pregnancy journey. - Jennifer Aniston & Justin TherouxWhere stories live. Discover now