Chapter 4. -The one where Court takes Jen shopping for baby clothes.

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Jen's with Court, at her house. Their hanging out while Justin's at work. It's when he's not with her, when he's not sitting right next to her making her smile, she realises how much she really needs him.

Court : So you're done with your first trimester already right?

Jen : Yeah, I'm, uhm. In the 13th week now, I think.

Court : So how do you feel about that?

Jen : What do you mean?

Court : Like, aren't you scared?

Jen : Terrified. But I try to not think about all the scary stuff.

Court : Oh.

Jen : Should I be thinking, uhm. About the scary stuff?

Jen looks at Court with a confused look on her face. Like she has done something wrong.

Court : No, not at all. I just remember how scared I was when I was pregnant with Coco. You know, because of what happened the last time.

Court had a miscarriage, about three years before she got Coco. Jen had a miscarriage two years later, which was better, because she had Court to help her through it. Court had no one. She was all by herself. Everybody tried to help her, but no one really knew what she was going through. It was hard. It left a scar in her, just like it did with Jen, but it was a lot easier for her. Court had been through it, and she guided her through it all.

Jen : So the last time made you a lot more terrified the second time, cause, uhm. You were scared that it would happen again?

Court : Mhm. But you shouldn't think about that Jen. You really shouldn't. It just made everything a lot harder, and I didn't get to enjoy the pregnancy. Cause I were constantly worried, and I...

Jen : But what if it happens again? What if it doesn't work out this time around either.

Court : No. Jen, don't say that. It worked out for me. It will work out for you as well.

Jen : I don't think I will be able to through that one more time. I barely got through it the last time, and Justin...

Court : Jen. Stop. I've completely ruined it for you now, haven't I. Oh my god.

Court sights, because she regrets what she has done. Jen's sitting in front of her like a question mark. How did she not think about this before? She was so busy with being happy, that she forgot to worry. She forgot to prepare herself for what may happen.

Court : Jen. Listen. Don't worry about this. It will be fine. This is a totally different situation. You and Brad tried for six months the last time. You were exhausted. He was exhausted. And you were also smoking the last time. You're not smoking now. You're so much healthier, Justin's so much healthier, and...

Jen : But I'm older Court. I'm a lot older. The doctor said I had a higher risk of getting all sorts of complications.

Court : Oh please. You have a body of a 20 year old! It'll be fine. Trust me. It's not a good idea to stress about it either. It can  cause your baby to get stressed as well.

Jen : What?!

Jen looks at Court, with a terrified look in her eyes.

Court : Relax. Oh, you know what. I know what we can do to get your mind off all of this! We should go out and shop!

Jen : Shop? I don't think it's a good idea to go out and shop for clothes I can't even use.

Court : Not for you silly. For the baby. Your baby.

Jen's pregnancy journey. - Jennifer Aniston & Justin TherouxWhere stories live. Discover now