Chapter 15: Equanimity

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you don't need help. There's still time before the bell rings." Cream asked concerned.

"Do not worry. I can make it on my own." Amy reassured her with a nod and walked forward her hands stretched out until she touched the railing. "See. I'll be fine."

"Okay." Cream muttered. "I'll see you nutrition."

"Alright. Thank you Cream."

And she was off. Taking the first steps up the stairs only using the support of the railing and her hands. Cream watched her make her way up and until she turned around the corner of the staircase going up more stairs. Cream left down the hall after that. Amy smiled as she made process thinking how amazing it was to prove herself worthy of a normal school. Remembering the ways around the school wasn't as difficult with the help of her classmates.

As she went up the last steps wind picked up around her and she gasped. She stopped until the wind was gone and she blinked in wonder. If she'd been wrong, something felt like it passed right by her. She didn't feel anyone around though, so she continued to walk up until she reached the second floor. She didn't hear many students around, hardly any. There weren't many people around the third and second floors of the school. All the commotions happened outside and maybe the first floor, but it was peaceful in the second floor. She let go of the railing and walked slowly next to the wall her hands touching it and feeling the passing doors. Her classroom was five doors to the right and so from there she'd be in class without haven't to worry about timing.

She reached her classroom's door. "Ah, here." She raised her hand back and was going to knock on it when a voice startled her.

"She's not here." A voice. Amy backed away when she heard it was next to her and she focused her face to it. It spoke again. "She went to get copies."

The voice was deep and calm and she recognized it instantly, but she was unable to believe it was speaking to her here at school. She crossed her arms and faced to the side. "Ah," She said in a low voice somewhat uneasy. "Okay. I will come back later."

She turned around.

"Wouldn't you rather wait with me? She'll be back soon."

Amy's body shivered hearing those words. From the sound of it there was business with her? Curious of why he was talking to her in the first place she faced the mobian again and smiled politely. "Scourge, was it? Your name?"

He smirked uncrossing his arms from his chest and pushing his body off the wall facing her with gleaming eyes. "Beat me to the introduction, but yes. And your—,"

"Amy," She said just before he was able to say her name. Scourge stared at her intrigued and chuckled, but to Amy it felt mockingly. He was trying to intimidate her, but her face kept cool, but her hands started shaking, so she put them behind her back so he couldn't see them.

"Amy. Sonic's toy huh? You've lasted him some time now," He said smoothly looking around the hall. "I can see why. When you aren't causing others problems you can be a catch."

Amy narrowed her eyes with her smile still lingering. "Hmm" She hummed. "Such a boor mouth like yours should be cleaned with soap. Excuse me,"

Amy turned her heel to walk back the direction she came from, but Scourge grabbed ahold of her arm pulling her back. Without being able to sustain balance she could have fallen to the floor, but Scourge caught her into his arms. He smelled of ash and burnt an unpleased scent into her nose. She pushed at his chest and yanked her arms away, but Scourge was quick grabbing her back and pushing her to the wall. Amy wouldn't allow fear to take over her features. Her brows narrowed.

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