Chasing Her [1]

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"It's nothing serious, and they should be on their way back now." My mother replied, giving me a small smile. I could tell that it was forced smile, and if dad wouldve of allowed it, she'd be with them. "Now sit and eat, I can't let you starve."

I silently ate my food and excused myself from the table before walking back upstairs. Sitting on my bed, I grabbed my laptop from the nightstand and turned it on. I set up a video call, and waited impatiently for one of my old friends to answer me. I walked around my room perfecting any mistakes when I heard a faint 'hello'. Immediately grabbing my laptop, I saw the oh-so-familiar face of my best friend Rachel.  

"Hey Rachel!" I exclaimed causing her to jump a little.  

"Hazel! It's been forever, what's going on?" She said with a smile. 

"My brother's and I have just moved back! I told you I wasn't going to be gone forever."

"I'm glad you're back. Now I won't be alone."

"Wait, what do you mean alone? What about Lisa and Melinda?" I asked, confused. Lisa, Melinda, Rachel and I were all best friends, so how could she be alone?  

"Well, we all sort of got into a fight.. and now it's just me. Lisa and Melinda hang out together still though."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll just have to change that. So tell me, has anyone got a boyfriend? Or maybe a mate?" I said sending her a wink. She laughed before shaking her head.  

"Nope. We're all boyfriend and mateless. Don't you have a boyfriend?" She questioned. My heart sunk, and my happy mood disappeared. Images of the night that Evan flashed through my mind as tears swelled in my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat, letting a tear fall.  

"I used to have one.. He's dead..." I said so quietly that I wasn't sure if she heard me.  

"I'm so sorry! I should have asked." 

"No, it's okay. You didn't know. Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school, right?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She said with a smile before ending the call. I closed my computer and flopped down on my bed, tears pouring from my eyes. After about thirty minutes I felt as though I couldn't cry anymore. My face was covered it dry tears, making my skin feel tight. I changed into my pajamas and curled up underneath the covers, hoping that I would fall asleep soon, but my plans were interrupted by a knock on my door.  

"It's open." I called, and watched as my brother Oliver came in. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just came to see if you were okay."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?

"I could hear you crying from next door." I felt my cheeks heat up and kept my eyes focused on my blanket. I didn't know that my crying was that loud. "Come here." Oliver said, his arms opened wide. I instantly got up my bed and accept his hug, letting more tears flow.  

"H-h s-shouldn't be.. d-dead.." I stuttered into the crook of his neck. He didn't say anything, but continued to rub my back. After about ten minutes, he informed me that it was ten o'clock and said that I should go to bed. I thanked him before laying down "Goodnight Oliver."

"Goodnight Hazel." He replied before shutting the door. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My alarm clock screamed into my ears. I flung my arm onto my nightstand, smacking the snooze button. The beeping stopped, only to start up again about five minutes later. I went to hit the snooze button again, when my covers were ripped off.

"Come on, Hazel. You have to get up." Alden called. I groaned and reluctantly got up. I hated the fact that he was such a morning person, whereas I liked to sleep in until ten or eleven rolled around. I hopped into the shower, making sure that I was clean. I decided to blow dry my hair instead of let it air dry, then put it up in a perfect bun. For my outfit I threw on a plain gray t-shirt, some dark wash jeans and white flats. My makeup was minimal as usual, just some mascara and light pink lip gloss. 

I grabbed my book bag from beside my dresser and skipped all the way downstairs, my destination being the kitchen. My stomach grumbled as I inhaled the aroma of bacon and pancakes. Entering the kitchen I saw my father cooking on the griddle. 

"Morning daddy." I smiled and kissed him on the check. 

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." He replied while flipping some pancakes. "How are you?" 

"I'm good." I said as I grabbed a plate a filled it with food. "What's going on with the rogue group situation?" 

"Well it was a group of three rogues who proved no threat to us so we are letting them join our pack." He explained. "You'll have some new classmates."

I finished up my breakfast and thanked my father before telling Alden that I was going to leave. He followed me out to my white 2009 Volkswagen Beetle and got it. I loved this car to death, even when I was younger I knew that this was the car I wanted. My brother had told me that it was extremely embarrassing to be seen in my car, but if he wanted a ride to school, he'd have to deal with it. Even though he was a junior, his birthday was later so he wouldn't turn sixteen til the second half of the school year. 

We made our way to school and when we arrived we were about fifteen minutes early. As I got out of the car, I heard a few people whistle causing me to roll my eyes. Alden stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, telling everyone that if they wanted to talk to me they'd have to deal with him. It sort of surprised me how protective he could be over me, but at least he wasn't as protective as Oliver was. 

When we reached the office, we both stepped inside to get our schedules. Sitting at the reception desk was a woman who looked to be in her thirties with short black hair, dark green eyes, and really red lips. She looked up at us and smiled.

"What can I do for you?" She questioned, her hair bobbing with each word.

"We're here for our schedules." My brother answered.


"Hazel and Alden Smithe." 

"Okay. Hold on a minute." She said as she shuffled through her papers before pulling out two sheets. She handed them to us, telling us that we'd get our books during class. We politely thanked her before walking back out into the hall. 

"Well I guess I'll see you later." I said to my brother as I looked over my schedule. For first period I had social studies, then science, then math, followed by study hall, lunch, reading and English, art and lastly gym class. I had homeroom with Mrs. Bindly. 

"I'll meet you before lunch and then after eighth period." I nodded my head and made my way down the halls looking for my locker. When I finally found it I put in my combination and inhaled the air. The scent of spice and cologne filled my nose telling me that a boy was close by. As I shut my locker, I realized just how close by, for standing right behind my locker door was a tall boy with light brown hair and brown eyes.

"Can I help you?" I said slightly annoyed. I wasn't up for getting hit on by random people today, especially since I should've been happily in love with Evan at the moment. 

"Why yes, yes you can. You can help me by giving me your name and your number." 

"My name is Hazel, and I'm not giving you my number." I replied and watched as his jaw dropped along with his eyes widen. "Is there a problem?"

"Hazel? Wow. A few years can change a person a whole lot. It's Dylan." He said. My heart fluttered as he mentioned his name. The gears in my head began working, as I recognized him as my middle school crush that moved away when we were in eighth grade. "So what class do you have first?" 

"Social studies, you?"

"Looks like I'll be walking there with you." He smiled and held his hand out. I happily took and walked off to social studies with one thought in mind. 

Maybe I'll be able to get Evan off my mind after all...

Chasing Her {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin