Chapter 1: Zemblanity

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I cannot see.

The world around me is a blur, but I try my hardest to fit in.

I tell you it is not easy, but all I wanna do is be normal, and I pretty much am.

If I had to be honest about life, being blind and all, I would say that I'm living alright...

"Amy be careful!"

Amy shook her head after hitting her head on the door. There was a small sting but Amy didn't pay too much thought into it. Hands roamed around her arms and brought her into her friend's safe grip.

"Are you okay?" Her friend chuckled, rubbing Amy's head.

"I am, but where did my stick fall to?" Amy bend down and used her hands to try to find where her white cane, the only instrument that would allow her to see her way through life. She had dropped it somewhere after she'd trip over a threshold. Her friend came down with her and grabbed the stick that was only a few inches from her reach and handed it to her. Amy's hand surveyed the item and once she felt the strong metal tip of her cane she grabbed ahold to it and smiled.

"Thank you Cream." Amy said delighted to have her cane back.

"No problem, anyway, what brings you here?" Cream asked helping her over to a sofa from her house's living room and after she was seated Cream took her seating as well.

"I came to talk to you about something that has been on my mind for quite while now." Amy said, folding her cane up.

Cream tilted her head to the side and blinked twice. "What is it?"

"I am a normal hedgehog; therefore I also want to be able to be treated as one. I would like to be able to go to Station Square High too!" Amy said beginning to image what life in a real high school would be like.

Appalled, Cream shook her head. "What?!"

"Half of my life has already consisted of me not going to a real school with mobians who could see. I want senior year to be the year I can actually have fun and meet new friends. Cream, I want to graduate from that high school." Amy insisted, sounding as if she were pleading for her permission.

But permission was far from it. Cream bit her lip and looked around her house hoping no one was around but she remembered her mom, Vanilla, was out buying groceries. Amy's smile disappeared and her amused face faded when Cream never replied.

"It is not that bad of an idea if you think about it." Amy muttered.

"I know, but have you told your Grandpa? Or your Aunt?" Cream asked, concerned.

"My aunt is on an important business trip and so she has that to take care of, but my grandpa wants to make sure I have someone by my side if I do go." Amy said, leaning back on the soft cushion.

Cream sighed but couldn't help to smile at Amy's determination. Amy wasn't afraid neither of what people said nor of what they thought of her. When Amy's mind was set on a goal, she faced it head on, but even her strong-will nature was dangerous. School wasn't the way she had been told of, nice people, teachers who taught you well, sunshine and rainbows. The mobians in Station Square high would crush dreams and any other hope you carried and she didn't want that for Amy.

"You won't be alone. I'll be there with you, but..." Cream stopped and left Amy wondering. "It won't be easy. You can't see so then how will you be able to read, write and get lunch, not knowing what you'll be getting."

Amy laughed but her eyes narrowed, "Everything has a solution. All I could do really is get used to it,"

Cream got up from her seat and walked up to her grabbing her shoulders. "I'll help you get in, but is this really what you want?"

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