Chapter 2

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Charlotte's POV

I just finished texting henry, he's nice and cute. But i couldnt help but wonder why he was wearing a hoodie inside and at the door when i was about to walk out he put the hood up almost like he was avoiding the sun and he was wearing all black in 90º weather. Was he trying to be hot?? Henry's mysterious, i like that

I was swimming at a hidden part of the beach. It was hidden behind the little building. Its was seprated from the rest of the beach by rock. If you're wondering why im not swimming at the public beach is because i cant risk being seen with my tail. Im a mermaid with a black tail and a bare chest so i take a shrit with me everywhere i go.

I checked my phone and realized ive been swimming for 3 hours. Man  im so dead! I dried off as fast as i could. Then ran home as fast my legs could carry me. As soon as i entered the house my mom stopped me "crap!!"
"Hold it!"
I turned around "yeah mom"
"You're always late comim home late!! What is going on?"
"Uh-huh seriously nothing spill"
I sighed thinking up a lie "ok, the turth is everyday after school i go to Swellview park."
"Fine just dont be late"

I ran upstairs so relieved. No one can know my secert. I became a mermaid a year ago. I found a spell om the internet and it worked!!

I layed on my bed thinking about henry.
He was so cute and helpful. Wait char what  are you doing you cant let a boy in your life!! You might end up telling him!
But he did tell you he was kid danger. I pushed those thoughts aside wanting to sleep but i couldnt. Maybe i do like henry but i just met the guy i need to think bout this i sighed and went to sleep.

Hope u guys liked this story later👋

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