Chapter five . . .

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I've been waiting for Dustin for hours now,but he still isnt here.I was walking around the sitting room when door beel went off.I smiled to my self and ran to the door but when I opened it my face fell.

"What do you want Robert.I'm a bit busy".I snapped,last time he was here he told me my ex boyfriend died.

"I thought I would come around and hang out and stuff".He smiled at me.Why does he always come around when I'm busy?My phone beeped and it was a message from Dustin.

                     "Sorry flower cant come around yet but promise I'll be there later . . . Dustin xx".

 "Looks like your in luck".I stepped aside to let him in.He walked in and into the living room and sat down and I sat in front of him.Being this close I could see the colour of his eyes,they were hazel.He caught me staring and smiled.

"What are you looking at?".He asked,he was blushing like mad and I looked away.

"Nothing,Look I'm going to be honest with you, you creep me out".I sat back and croosed my arms.

He have me a wide smile."I do,do I?Thats good".He leaned forward on the sofa and put his elbows on his kness and his hands under his chin.

"Why is that good? You know what I dont really care".

"I wasnt going to tell you even if you wanted to know".He laughed at me,no one laughs at me apart from Dustin.When Robert laughs at me and its different almost haunting.

"Whatever.Do you not have friends of your own age? I dont mean to be rude but still".I always see him alone and I didnt want to upset him but fuck it.

"I do thank you very much.Do you have friends because I only ever see you with Dustin".That hurt.I mean I asked him the same thing but yeah.

"I'm only new here so I dont know a lot of people".I shot back.God he makes me so angry.I really wanted to slap him now.

"Yeah true so heres something you dont know.A lot of people dont like Dustin so good luck with trying to meet knew people".

"Thanks for the heads up but I dont care.Freinds aren't everything,I should know".I shurg.Its true though.A girl could have millons of friends but if she has a boy she loves then that over powers it all.Does that mean I love Dustin?

"If you say so".I wanted to know what he was thinking but I'm no mind reader and I wasnt going to ask.

    We talked for a while longer but then he had to go.kinda wanted him to stay but I also wanted him to go and never come back.I had nothing to do because Dusitn was still busy,so I watched Twilight even though I've seen it so many times before.If I had to pick a side it would be team Jacob.Jacob is so much better in my eyes.

  By the time Edward saved Bella from James Rose and Peter were home and Dustin was right behind them.I looked up and smiled.

"We got home and found the poor chap outside".Peter said shacking his head at me.

"I'm so sorry I'm in the middle of a really good movie".I patted the seat beside me and he sat down and then he laughed at me.

"Twilight? You think thats a good movie whats wrong with you?".

"How dare you! I cant believe you just said that to me".I faked being hurt but he was right the others were well better but this is ok.

"Who wants a fairy for a boyfriend or some one that smells like a dog? Girls these days".He shook his head and layed back.

"Jacob does not smell like a dog only if he gets wet and Edward well he sorta is a fairy".I jumped up and faced him.But he pulled me down so that I was sitting down on his lap.

"I'm sorry.Please forgive me".He kissed my cheek and gave me the puppy dog eyes.It was s cute!

"Ok I forgive you.But never say it again".I kissed him sat back on the sofa.Then Rose came in and smiled at us.

"Dustin are you staying for dinner?".

"Erm . . . I wouls love to thanks Rose".He smiled at Rose and she walked out.Mt film was finally over so I turned on some music.Dustin seemed to like it seeing has he was drumming the beat  on his knee and humming along.I sat there looking at him,He looks so damn good looking its unreal.I feel  like melting from looking at him.He caught me and smiled.

"Its mad.I've never feel for a girl I hardly knew but with you its so different.Most girls would be throwing them selves at me but you dont and thats good,I like it".The smile turned into a grin,what he just said made me happy and warm inside.That never happened before.

"Thats so sweet,You arent like most guys I know.YOu havent tired anything with me or made me feel like I needed to give you something back".I said.I had no idea what to say my mind was just everywhere at the moment.

After dinner Dustin had to leave so I went to my room to see what I could do.But as always I found nothing,I had no one to call or talk to but thats life.

   I drawed some pictures and stuck them in my scrap book where the rest of them are.My mam was a painter so she learned me a few things and it really helped me in school.My dad designed houses but I didnt learn much from it but I tried to learn but wasnt working for me.

  My parents never got married.they just didnt see the need to.My mother always wanted to have another baby but it didnt happen and now it never will because their dead.I will never have brothers or sisters.Thats sad.

  I could hear someone knocking at the front door so I went down to see who it was because no one else seemed to be getting it.When I finally made it to the door and opened it.Thana was standing there looking like crap to say the least.

"I just wanted to say how sorry I am.I lied to you,Kellan didnt get me pregnant,I'm not pregnant to be honest I just said it to piss you off and I thought it worked".Seeing as she wasnt pregnant I slapped her and it left a hand print in the right side of her face.

"Thats for lieing to me.Thana I want you to leave and dont ever come near me again do you understand?".She went paler and looked down before she said anything.

"I understand fully,if I was you I would be saying the same thing.I will get Kellans mother to ring you and tell you when and where the funeral will be".She gave me a tight smile.

"Sure whatever but untill then I dont want to see you".I was about to close the door when Rose came out.

"Who is it Pixie?".She asked trying to see past me which wasnt happening.

"No one Rose".I said turning to give her a smile.

"I guess I will see you around then".Thana said and walked off.I dont think she got my point about not seeing her again but I wont fight her about it.I closed the door and took a deep breath and Rose just looked  at me.

"What it was an old friend ,she was trouble and yeah".I dont know why I felt the need to tell her anything.But its hard being somewhere were no body knows you at all.But thats life I guess.

"Thats Ok.I thought it was for me thats all".She walked away and I was alone again.Am I always going to be loney? I hope not.

I went to bed that night feeling sorry for my self like awlays.I just hope things get better,I just need some fun.Maybe Dustin and I could go away . . .maybe not.Thats a dumb idea.Ugh life really does suck.

It took me ages to fall asleep but when I finally did I had a nightmare and not a good one.I was being killed by Robert and Dustin stood there watching it happen.He didnt even try to help me no matter how much I cried out his name.It was like he was under a spell and I didnt like it.I tried to fight Robert but he was to strong for me.I just gave up what was the point in fighting?

I woke up in a cold sweat and started to cry for no reason.I started to wounder if Dustin would really do that to me and then I woundered if Robert had it in him to kill a person.I almost laughed at how stupid I was being.I really need help dont I?

Love Killer (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon