Chapter one . . .

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It was the start of summer but instead of being out with my friends,I'm on my way to another foster home.It's only my first time moving so I feel Ok about it.You see my parents died when I was fourteen years old,they were in a car crash.They went out one night and never came back.For ages after their death I hated them for leaving me in a world I didnt really know but with some help I came to terms with it.

  The family I'm moving in with are rich,nice and middle aged.The only bad thing about this was they lived near drug dealers.I thought because they were rich they would live in a nice area but I guess not.My social worker says this is a good place,blah,blah,blah.

  It's a shame I had to move,I liked the old house I was in even though I got into a lot of trouble.They weren't rich but they tried to give me what I wanted.Their son died and they weren't the same and I made it harder by doing bad things so thats why I'm moving.

   The drive was taking ages,I just wanted to lay down and sleep.But that wasn't going to happen any time soon.My social worker tried to talk to me but I wasn't in the mood.She asked the same things over and over.How are you? Do you like what you see? it just annoys me so much.I feel sorry for her kids and husband,I would lose my mind if I lived with her,I really would.Good thing I'm not.

  We soon pulled up outside this big house,It wasn't a mansion but it also wasn't a normal looking house either.The house was three story's high,it was painted a lovely pearl white colour,the windows were big and clean,the front garden was covered in red,pink and purple flowers.The door was black and it had different coloured glass in it.From the outside it looked really good.

"Well this is it".Mary said taking her seat belt off and leaning back into her seat.

"No way really? I thought we were just stopping".I said rolling my eyes.Just then the front door opened and two people came out.The women had brown hair and was wearing pink while the man had grey hair and was in track suit bottoms and a t-shirt.They walked down the drive and we got out of the car to meet them.

"Pixie this is Ms and Mr Gates"Mary stood there with a huge smile on her face.

"Call me Rose and this is peter.It's finally nice to meet you".Rose hugged me and I didnt know what to do so I just stood there very still.When she let me go I took a step back and looked down at my blue converse.

"Ok lets get your bags so you can move in".Mary went to the trunk of her car and started to take out my bags,I helped her seeing as they were my bags.There was about ten bahs all together.They were filled with clothes,books,shoes.make-up and other things that I needed.Rose and Peter helped carry the bags into the house.

  Inside the house was also painted white,it looked really clean and really big.To the left was the living room,to the right was a den type room for the grandchildren maybe and infront of us was a big stair case.Rose lead the way up stairs.There were five bedrooms and two bathrooms.Rose went into a big enough room and put my bags was painted a nice light blue,it had a nice big window with a window seat,there was a king size bed in the middle of the far wall,and it also had bedside table and a big walk in wardrobe.This was my room,all mine and no one else's.

"We can paint the room a different colour if you like".Peter said while he put my bags down and I did the same.

"No I like this colour,but thanks".I gave him a nice little smile and he returned it.Even though I haven't been here long,I felt at home.Mary soon left us to it and we went down stairs for some scones and tea.It didn't feel awkward at all.

"So pixie how old are you?".Rose asked sipping her tea.

"I'm sixteen and a half".I took a bite of my scone,it was really nice.

"Really I thought you were eighteen,you sure as hell look it".Peter sounded amazed.I mean people told me I looked older but I didn't think it was true.I wounder if I try to get into a night club would they thing the same? I would have to try it out some time.

"Poeple say that all the time,ha".I whipped my mouth and drank the rest of mt tea.The living room had a nice feel to it.It was painted a nice cream colour,it had two red sofa's and a black coffee table in the middle of the floor.Then there was a nice marble fireplace with a 42" flat screen over it.This was a house I always dreamed off but never had it and now I do.

  Rose seemed like a nice person but I'm so scared they will change if I get into trouble,which I wont be it could happen.Looks like I'm going to have to try very hard not to wont I?.That wont be hard seeing as I know absolutley no one here.I might try and make new friends ... good ones this time.

"Oh and pixie there is a lake down the road if you ever wanted air.its a really nice place for thinking".Rose said while cleaning up the plates and cups,she wouldnt even let me help.

"Really? Would you mind if I go down now for a bit just to get used to beinging some were new?".I stood up and dushed some crumbs off my lap.

"Of course you can just be back in time for dinner.It will be done about seven sharp".Peter said and he also got up.It was only five so I had two hours to kill.I took the spare key Rose handed me and put it into the back pocket of mt faded,ripped skinny jeans.When I knew it was saftly tucked into my pocket I went on my journey to fine the lake.

   Every house I past was either yellow,white or brown.That made it easier to fine my way back home.Seven brown houses,five white house and two yellow house later I was at the lake.It was surrounded by trees,but it was a gorgeous veiw.I would love to spend my whole life here.

      I looked out over the water and on the other side I saw a weired looking guy.He was wearing a long black hoodie with a hood that covered his face,baggy jeans,black skate board shoes and if you looked closely enought you could see his skeleton gloves.He had black hair and was pale as anything.He looked no older then fifteen,I could tell by the way he was standing.

  When he saw me looking at him he sorta ran off the other way.I thought nothing of it,but he seemed like a creep.I stayed a bit longer before I headed home for dinner.The walk home seemed shorter then the walk down.

  The front door was unlocked so I just walked in.I could smell the dinner.I went into the kitchen to see if they needed help but they were already dishing it out.We all sat down and said grace.When that was donewe started to eat.We had sweet beans,carrots and ham with mash.It was delicous.

"I hope you like it.I didnt know what you liked so I just guessed".Rose said between bites.

"I love it thank you".I smiled at her.This must be very hard on her,having to think about what I like or dont like.

   After dinner I helped clean up and then went to bed early.I was very tired,I got into my pajamas wich were shorts and a tank top.I then climbed into bed and just lay there.The bed was very soft and comfortable,but sleep woundnt come.I kept moving around but I soon gave up.I got out of bed and went in seach of my Ipod.

   Nine bags later and I found it and I got back into bed and listened to Rihanna.I mouthed the words but didnt sing out loud because I didnt want Rose or Peter to come up.

  It was ten when they went to bed,they came into me and said noght and left again.I was starting to feel tierd so I tuned my Ipod off and closed my eyes.Soon sleep came and took me to a dofferent world for a little while.

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