Chapter four . . .

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I woke up the next day with sore eyes from all the crying I did last night.I rubbed my hands over my face abd got out of bed,I went to the bathroom to splash water over my face and I gave my self a fright when I looked in the mirror.I looked really pale and my make up was all over the place.I took what ever was left on my face but I still didnt look ok.I gave up and walked downstairs.

  When I got to the bottom of the stairs there was a knock at the door.When I opened it I almost died,Its that creep - sorry the boy - from the lake.I wish I was wearing more then shots and a tank.I didnt even have any make up on.UGH.

"Nice pajamas".He winks.I was right he is a creep and a prev.

"Who are you and why are you here?".I asked crossing my arms over my chest which only made him smile.

"I'm Robert Grim.And I believe this is yours".he showed me a locket that looked just like the one I have.I put my hand on my neck but mine was gone he must of seen my face because he went on."Its yours you dropped it at the lake last night".I took it out of his hand and put it around my neck.

"Thanks for giveing it back".I gave him a tight smile.The looks he was giving me weird looks.

"Your welcome".he returned my smiles but he didnt make any move to leave.

 "Is there somethign else you want?".I sounded rude be he creeped the hell out of me.

"I'm sorry did Rose not tell you.She asked me to come over.It must of slipped her mind".He was still smiling at me and I really wanted to slap him.

"No she didnt.Look maybe some other time OK I've got plans today".I lied.I hope he didnt see throught my lie.

"Ok thats . . . fine".There was something in his eyes but I couldnt place it.Hurt,anger I just didnt know.He left and I wanted to call him back but I left it.I wasnt in the mood.

   When I walked into the kitchen Rose glared at me.

"I told that young boy to come around and you just send him off again.What plans have you got for today?".Shit.

"I'm going out to Dustin".I hope she doesnt ring Ivy to see if its true.

"I thought you were crying last night because of Dustin?".She looked confused.

"Kinds but ut was something esle too but its all Ok now".I gave her a smile and took an apple of the table.

"If you say so because Ivy and joe are coming over and their bringing Dustin with them so get dressed".She smiled and I went to my room.She caught me out and now I have to see Dustin.Just my luck.This really cant be happening to me.

  I sat down at my dresser and started doing my make up.I did it lightly because I wasnt going any where,i put my hair into a high pony tail.I got out a pair of pink skinny jeans,black converse and a black see-through top that showed off my red lacy bra that had a blue bow in the middle of it.

   I turned around and saw Dustin standing against the door frame with his arms crossed and he had a amused look on his face.I could feel my face starteding to burn up.

"H-how long have you been standing there".I stammered.I hope he didnt see me get dressed I would die.

"Dont worry I didnt see you get changed.Look I'm sorry about last night I didnt mean to snap like that".He walked a bit more into my room.I stood where I was.

"Its ok I should never of asked.I'm sorry".I gave him a tight smile.He walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug,his body was warm and he smelled like wood.It was nice.

"Dont be silly.You see my dad isnt a nice guy you piss him off and you better start running as fast as your little legs can take you".He laughed and I pushed him away.

"Pixie theres some one at the door for you".Rose shouted up.I was going to kill the person at the door.Dustin and I walked down the stairs,When we got to the front door Robert was standing there with his head hung low.Rose left us to it and he looked up at me.

"Hey do you know a guy named kellan?".When I saw his face he was really pale.

"Yeah I used to hang out with an guy named Kellan.Why?".I was a bit worried about what he was going to say.

"Does he have black spiky hair,blue eyes,tall and a 6 pack?".I wish he would just get to the point.Like I have things to do.

"Yeah that sounds like the one I know,can you please get to the point?".I asked sweetly but made sure he got mu point.

"Well he was just found dead down by the lake.The police are saying it was a suicide,I'm sorry".When he said that my stomach dropped I fell back a bit but Dustin was right behind me so he            

pushed me back up.I didnt know what I felt or how I should feel.I was empty,I hated Kellan but I didnt want him dead.

"T-thanks for telling me but who told you Robert?".

"Oh my dad has a Friend in the police force I think". I thought he was lieing but I let it go.He left very fast after that and Dustin closed the door.I stood there unable to move.Rose came out and looked at me.

"Dustin what happened?".She sounded worried.

"Robert came by to tell me my ex boyfriend Kellan killed him self".I said in a flat tone.I was facing Rose but I wasnt looking at her.I didnt like the feeling before and I dont like it now.

"Dustin bring her up stairs and keep an eye on her".He did just that and when we got to my room we just sat on my bed.

  An hour later or so past when I finally broke out of what ever spell I was in.I was sitting on Dustins lap and he had his arm around me.I felt very safe to say the least.

"Are you Ok flower?".He asked moving the hair out of my face.I snuggled into him and sighed.

"Did you just call me flower".I asked into his top.

"Yeah why?".He laughed and I could feel it in his chest under my head.

"Nothing and I'm grand I just cant believe hes dead though".I bit my lip so I wouldnt cry.I didnt want him thinking I had feeling for Kellan because I dont.Not any more.

"That good and I know but shit happens right.So wheres the teddy with the same name as me?".I forgot we were in my room.I got off the bed and went over to the window seat and picked up a teddy.It was a blue rabbit with a pink bow around its neck.I went back over to the bed and sat infront of Dustin.

"Dustin meet Dustin".I said making my teddy wave.

"Well hello there its nice to mmeet you".He shook hands with the rabbit and I just giigled.It looked so weird seeing Dustin talk to one of my teddys.He put the teddy aside and looked at me.

"Are you lauging at me?".He came closer to me.

"No I dotn think I was".I prended to be thinking about something and he jumped on me.He started to tickle my stomach and I could only laugh my head off.I tried to push him away but I couldnt.

"You are going to regret laughing at me".I really couldnt take anymore.

"Please,stop".I said gasping for air.I tired yet again to get away and this time made it to the door before he caught me again.But instead of tickling me he kissed me.Softly at first but it got faster and  then his hands were everywhere.It felt good but it didnt last long he had to go but he promised to see me tomorrow.

That night I couldnt sleep it was either to warm or to cold.I couldnt even get into a good sleeping position,I gave up and got out of bed and went to my laptop.I logged on to facbook but nothing jumped out at me so I logged off and tried to get some sleep.And soon enough it came and tool me away.

Love Killer (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें