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Emaris always loves to sit and watch the waves crash onto the shore. After a while she would start to take her drawing book and draw what she saw. The older she got the better at art and drawing she got. Her room was filled with drawing and paintings she had done of the ocean. One day she was standing on a cliff drawing the sea, when someone thought it would be funny to come up the her and push her. When he did this she couldn't catch herself and she fell off. As she fell, she braced herself for death, but it never came. When she hit the water it felt more like arms cradling her.

The then heard whispers coming from around her, "Oh no" it said. "We can not destroy something that has loved us so deeply"

Emaris then looked around but saw no one. However, she didn't feel scared, she felt.....safe. In the arms of the ocean. She floated to the surface and laid on her back, looking up any the sky. She felt the coolness of the ocean around her. She stayed floating on her back and closed her eyes. She could feel the little fish swimming around her and the waves lapping on her face. She never wanted to leave, she wanted to stay there forever. 

After about 15 minutes of laying in the water, she got back up and looked around her she was about 2 kilometres off shore. However, there wasn't many people sitting on the beach. Probably only about 3 families. She started to swim back when she felt something pulling he back so she couldn't move. She stopped and looked around, she didn't see anyone. She started to swim again, but she still felt someone pulling her back.

"Please don't leave me" she heard a voice say. She looked around again but didn't see anyone.

"Hello? Who are you? Where are you?" She asked, looking at he water.

"I'm the ocean" the voice replied.


"I'm the ocean" the voice repeated.

"What do you mean you're the ocean?" Emaris said.

"I'm the ocean" the voice said again.

"Ok, but why are you not letting me swim back to shore?" She asked.

"Because I don't want you to go" the ocean replied.


"Because, with all the paintings and drawings you do of me, I find them so beautiful. And I'm worried that if you go back, you will stop drawing and painting me" it said.

"I would never, you are too beautiful and mysterious not to paint and draw" Emaris replied.

"Thankyou, but don't you feel safe? You know laying here" the ocean questioned.

"Yes, but it's getting late and I need to go back home" she said.

"Ok, will you come back tomorrow?" The ocean asked.

"Of course, I come here every day. Mainly because no one else talks to me" Emaris said.

"Ok" the ocean replied.

Emaris started to swim back to the shore. When she got there a lady came over and asked her if she was ok and why she was swimming so far out.

Emaris just replied with "Yeah I'm fine, and I like swim in away from people"

The lady just shrugged it off and walked back to her setup.

When Emaris got home she looked through all of the drawings and paintings she had done on the sea. There were a lot more than she remembered doing, each one looking different from the others. No matter how many times she painted and drew it, she never got tired of it.

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