Sign of the Times

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"What kind of publicity move is this?!" Harry roared, "You sure you don't have feelings for her, mate? You been fuckin' her?"
"Mate?" Zayn asked crossly, "I'm not your mate."
"Yeah, you're my boyfriend. So why don't you fucking act like it!"
Harry could be pretty scary when he was angry. His voice would go all deep and loud and it was intimidating.
Zayn had lost weight in the past few months and resembled more of a stick than anything. The stress was only building especially as the latest "idea" was coming to life. The supposed engagement between himself and Perry.
"I'm here to stand by while you marry someone else."
Zayn shook his head covering his mouth as he could not believe what Harry had just said. Luckily, the interviewer didn't pay much attention to that.
Louis looked slightly amused that the two were having such difficulty. It seemed Louis was everywhere lately while Zayn was nowhere at all.
Louis just so happened to be waiting at the right time after the interview.
"You wanna grab some food? Maybe a drink?" Louis suggested.
Harry battled himself but only for a split second. "Sure."
Louis was shocked to say the least. He hasn't expected Harry to accept.
The one thing management didn't want was for Larry to be seen together. Not even Zarry had gotten the same amount of attention.
Harry took one look back at Zayn and Perrie, and grabbed Louis's hand. The two ran off together seemingly not noticed but Zayn briefly catching Harry's eye told a different story
But Harry had had enough. This didn't feel like love anymore
Zayn was upset. Why had Harry run off with Louis like that? Didn't he know that Zayn had to do this for their relationship? He loved Harry more than anything in this world. He loved his kind heart and his innocent confidence.
Perrie was the standard beard. She offered him nothing. Currently, she was trying to make Zayn feel better but she was making him even more pissed than ever.
"Please!" He shouted, grabbing a hold of her shoulders and shaking her violently. "Just go away!"
Perrie was tearing up and rubbing at her shoulders where Zayn had grabbed her. He felt bad and tried to reach out but Perrie had already run off.
Look what you've don't now, Zayn said to himself. That would cost. It was certainly in violation of the contract.
What Zayn needed right now was, in fact, a little bit of the green. He lit up and went to heaven.
Louis and Harry were running around, hand in hand creating chaos. Nobody knew it was then cause they had bought some Halloween masks of political figures.
"Look at me, I'm the queen!" Louis shouted at people as the ran by.
"Okay, queen, calm down." Harry had a mask of Obama and was rocking it pretty well.
Louis pulled Harry into an ally and they both took off their masks. Suddenly, Louis's lips were on Harry's, hungrily eating them up. Harry returned the kisses but Zayn gloated inti his mind.
"Stop!" Harry shoved Louis away.
Louis looked taken aback.
"You don't get a second chance! This means nothing. You mean nothing! You hurt me too bad, and there's no going back." Harry shoved Louis as he walked by and put his mask back on only to get back to the hotel without being seen.
Zayn was laying on the bed watching some TV when someone stumbled in wearing an Obama mask.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed about to call security.
"It's me!" Harry slurred. "It's your president!"
"We don't have presidents, you twat. You should've gotten the prime minister,"
Zayn was trying so hard to be mad at Harry but the truth was he was just too darn drunk and cute.
But he was with Louis. Ugh. Zayn didn't want to deal with this right now.
"I was with Louis. We kissed- well he kissed me. I got away though cause Louis is no longer queen."
With that last statement, Harry was out.

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