Fire, fire

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"Don't you miss me a little bit, Styles?" Louis asked casually as he walked by.
Zayn protectively put an arm around Harry.
"Why would I miss you when I have this exotic creature here, Mr. Malik?"
Harry realized his mistake as soon as he let his anger get to him. A few managers had been standing behind them. Louis smirked and scampered towards the stage.
"Come on, babe, lets go. The show's about to start."
Zayn looked disappointed as they headed for the stage.
And Harry cautiously took his place while Louis was grinning wildly.
"Fuck you, Tomlinson." Harry shouted right before the crowd got incredibly loud.
During the show, Harry throws himself into his performance but still feels disconnected from the crowd. Zayn kept trying to make eye contact, but Harry just wanted to ignore the situation.
As Harry was wiping his face off with a towel, he heard Zayn yelling and someone pulled him away from the apparent fire right in front of Harry's face. Zayn.
Harry just gives him a brief look and continues with the show.
"Almost got scorched, there, Styles," Louis says into Harry's ear.
Harry leans over to Louis's ear, "Still feels better than your assfucking."
Harry winked and danced over to the other side of the stage. Zayn has followed him, "You good, babe?"
Harry nods and moves away.
"You better fuckin' watch yourself, Tomlinson!" Zayn yelled at Louis's retreating figure.
"Fuckin' hell, what'd he say?" Harry asked coming up behind him.
Zayn shrugged, "Being an arse going on about dirty bits. I'm getting tired of him," Zayn sighed, "I'm getting tired of all this."
Harry glared at Zayn, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't you want to do what you want, Harry? Without management on our backs all the time?"
Harry pushed Zayn against the wall, "Don't you ever say that! If you leave, we're done!"
Zayn looked taken aback by Harry's sudden violence. He never did things like that. His voice was deep and intimidating so Zayn new this was a very touchy subject for Harry.
"Well I was just sayin'..."
"Well, don't."
They boarded the tour bus and the other boys were laughing and having good time. Zayn and Harry greeted them and went to lye down together.
Harry was pissed that Zayn would even think about leaving the band. Didn't he realize they would be nothing if they weren't together? Sure, Zayn had a talented and unique voice, but it was nothing compared to all the boys'.
"I'm sorry that I mentioned that..." Zayn said, his voice breaking. He was always so sensitive to others' feelings. He always stood up for the other boys when an interviewer went too far or if the boys were joking too roughly.
Harry hasn't responded, he was sulking.
"I love you..." Zayn tried.
Harry sighed, "I love you too. Come here."
And the made love quietly into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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