Chapter Forty Three

Começar do início

"Hey," he turned me around to look at him. "I love you."

"You better," I said and smirked. "We should go back with them, to California."

"Is that what you want?" He asked in a concerned manner.

"Yes... I think. I am just..." I spoke hesitant. A car pulled up on the drive through, I averted my attention to the car. Without thinking twice I ran towards it, the back door opened and Imad came out and after him, Aisha?

"Layla!" Imad yelled, while he paced to me and hugged me. I bent down and kissed his cheeks.

"I missed you very much," I told him.

"I missed you too," he replied, with a grin. "Aunty Aisha is so cool she bought for me candy, and toys."

"Aw that is so nice of her," I said. "Did you thank her?"

"Yes I did," He replied and nodded his head up and down. "Uncle Ahmed!" He yelled and ran to him. I stood up and approached Aisha.

"Assalam alaykum," I greeted her.

"Waalikum salam," She replied.

"I thought Sarah was bringing Imad," I said.

"Yeah she was, but she had an emergency to take care of," Aisha clarified.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"I am sure she will be. Sarah didn't tell me much, just that it's an emergency," She said, seeming uninterested to talk to me.

"I hope it's nothing grave."

"Probably it's a work emergency," She said.

"Do you want water or some snacks for the ride back?" I asked her assuming that she's leaving.

"No thank you... Actually I wanted to speak to Ahmed for a little while," She said, her gaze occasionally at Ahmed.

"Okay," I said in a low tone. "So how's Adil?"I asked trying to make small talk.

"Who?" She asked, her eyebrows knitted together.

"Adil your fiancé?" I specified.

"Oh you mean my adyy, sorry I am so used to calling him by his nick name. He's okay alhamdulilah," She replied. Adyy?

"Layla!" Ahmed called out my name.

"Na'am," I turn around and see him holding Imad's hand.

"We are heading inside," He said and pointed at the house.

"Okay sure," I yelled back. As Ahmed and Imad made their way inside the house, Aisha walked past me, heading for the house as well. It's strange, but I have a weird feeling about her. When we got inside, Aisha approached Ahmed and started talking to him. I went over to where Ahmed stood and held his hand.

"It's a shame you won't make it for my wedding." She quickly glanced at our hands and then cleared her throat.

"We have to get back early," Ahmed told her and looked at me.

The NannyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora