Red Lace

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When I got back to the house, subset boy was sitting on the white slate steps in front of the door. As I got closer, he stood up and smirked.

"I have to be honest, I thought you would have a little more game," he said

"Oh I do," I replied coyly, "but I like to think of myself as a team player. Why should I take the victory when we can all be winners?"

"Touché," he said and placed his hands on my arms. "But let's be honest, you aren't a team player. You would never do anything that didn't benefit you."

I scowled and crossed my arms. "I would like to remind you that this is a team party, meaning that I am part of a team."

"Yes, the most individualistic centered team sport— doesn't help your case too much does it?"

I cocked my head to one side. "You know what I like? Guys who don't talk when they start to piss me off."

"Well then," he murmured and pulled me in towards his chest. He leaned in, lips brushing past my ear and I could feel the hot air from his breath. "You're in for a long night then because pissing you off is my new favorite thing to do."

I felt a bit of anger rise in me that quickly dissipated as he began to nibble my ear. A small moan escaped my lips.

"I think," I murmured, "that we should take this inside."

"No complaints here," he said and I gasped as he picked me up and opened the door to the house.

Things escalated quickly. As I straddled him, I was vaguely aware that we were making our way upstairs, avoiding broken beer bottles along the way. His hands cupped my ass, mine tugged at his curls. We fought for dominance, his teeth pulled at my bottom lip. I moaned and slipped my tongue into his mouth. And so began another play for dominance.

I fought the good fight, but as he pushed me against the wall of what I assumed to be his room, I gave in and he took the lead.

"Must be a strange feeling for you, letting go of control" he murmured, and he put me down on the floor. His hands began to fumble with the buttons of my shirt.

"I think that's the key word there- I let you be in control," I replied and began to kiss his neck.

"Well of course," he moaned against my lips. I could feel the muscles in his neck tense and release as he spoke. "I would never do this to you without consent. Consent is sexy."

Music to my ears.

"Hell yeah," I replied and began to kiss his neck a little harder.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up," he said. I backed away and looked up at him in confusion. "I gotta say, what you're doing feels amazing, but I have work this week."

I nodded, understanding completely. Hickies and professionalism didn't mix. "Don't worry, I can make you feel that way in other places," I said. I moved my hands up his thighs until they grazed his crotch. I smirked as his breath hitched, and I began to unbutton his pants. Looking him dead in the eyes, I dropped to my knees.

"Holy shit," he whispered and his eyes glazed over.

"Who has the power now?" I murmured. My hand went to his zipper and I could feel him straining against the fabric of his pants.

His hands suddenly grasped my shoulders and pulled me up. "I do. And what I want is you—over there, bent over my bed. But first, I have to finish something." His hands went back to the buttons on my shirt. "You move so fast that I almost didn't get to see you." Finally unclasping the last button, he pulled my shirt down my arms and took in the sight of me in my bra.

"Beautiful," he said and his lips traveled over my breasts. I let out a moan. "Now," he continued, " get over there and I can really finish the job I've started."

I looked over at the bed for a moment and hesitated— every fiber of my being was pulsing, begging for him to have me but doing so would mean letting him have control. That wasn't who I was.

"No." I said.

"No?" He asked and stepped back. "Is everything okay?"

"No," I replied, and stepped closer, "you've forgotten one small thing."

He raised his eyebrows in response.

"You've forgotten," I said slowly, and began to unclasp my bra, "that I'm the one in charge here, not you. Best remember that. But just in case you don't, I'll leave this here as a reminder." And with that, I dropped the bra to the floor . His eyes went to my chest and I let him have a good look before I whirled around and grabbed my shirt off the ground.

"You have a good night," I said with a large smile and quickly buttoned my shirt up as I walked out his bedroom door.

I turned around when I reached the top of the stairs and looked back. He was standing in his doorway chuckling, red lace bra in hand.

"I take it that I can't call you then?" He yelled to me.

I smirked. "No but maybe I'll hit you up on a slow weekend!"

"I wouldn't expect anything less!"

I turned around and made my way down the stairs. When I got outside, I smiled to myself.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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