Peanut Butter Sandwiches

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"I swear to God, Cassie, if you ate my peanut butter jelly sandwich that I SPECIFICALLY made for myself for after my swim workout today, I will castrate you!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed at the screeches coming from the kitchen. I took a moment to look in the mirror and finish throwing my hair up into a ponytail. Traces of crumbs and peanut butter dotted the corners of my lips. I quickly wiped them off to get rid of any evidence and made my way to the kitchen.

Morgan stood there with her hands on her hips, the look of murder in her eyes.

"Morgan, you do know that in order to castrate me, I would have to have balls, right?" I said nonchalantely as I brushed past her to get a banana from the counter. A banana would have gone well with the sandwich earlier.

"Whatever Cassie. In that case I would castrate your imaginary balls. Anyways, since it is so incredibly obvious that you have stolen and consumed my sandwich, I demand that you make me another one."

I sighed. "Fine. But it's not like you can prove that I ate it."

"Oh really?" Morgan said as she twirled a piece of her red hair, concentrating. "Well let's see. Number one, you're the only one here. Number two, even if you weren't the only one here, Tina would never steal my sandwich because she is a decent person and Ashley is gluten free so she couldn't eat it. That leaves you- my roommate who I do love, but has no moral compass and eats everything in sight."

She had a good point. I threw my hands up in surrender. "Fine, you caught me. I'll make you your stupid sandwich."

Luckily there was still peanut butter and bread in the fridge. I got them out to get started. "Hey Morgan, are we still planning on going to that party tonight?"

Morgan scoffed at me. "Of course we are, why wouldn't we?"

"Well, conference is next week and shouldn't we be rested for that?"

"Look, Cassie," she started, "I don't want to sound cocky here, but in order for us to lose, all of us would have to get food poisoning or something. We're basically guaranteed to win, so let's go out and have some fun and blow off some steam this weekend. We all deserve it after today's practice.

I nodded and agreed with her. Practice was rough. Five times one mile repeats at 5:30 pace was not a piece of cake. I almost puked after the fourth one. It would be good to have a little bit of fun.

"Alright, who's DD for the night?" I asked.

"Thanks for volunteering freshie," Morgan smirked. "Oh! That reminds me. Tonight, there's something special going on. It's initiation for all the freshman in the athletic department. Unofficial initiation. It's definitely a ton of fun, we all have done it. Make sure to wear something comfortable but cute. Dark colors will probably be better. You'll thank me later," she said as she walked to her room.

Initiation. It's what I'd been waiting for. I was even more excited for it than the sandwich that Morgan conveniently left behind. The stories that I'd heard were insane. It would be the night to do something crazy and the night to establish a reputation.

I took a bite of the peanut butter sandwich. There would probably be cute guys, all athletic. Most probably slightly tipsy if not drunk. There would be some good music and dancing. Of course there was the infamous scavenger hunt. Guaranteed to be a great night. And as a plus I could add a few names to the book.

The book was something I established my sophomore year of high school. That was the year I had my first boyfriend and the first time I had ever cheated on someone. The guy had it coming to him. He was cheated on me first. The retaliation on my part was swift. Completely worth it too. It turned out his best friend was a much better kisser than he ever was. And the look on my boyfriend's face when he walked into his bedroom at his own party: priceless.

Kissing multiple guys within a short span of time made me realize something. There were bad kissers and good kissers. Some guys knew how to turn a girl on and some well... they didn't. But in the end, most were pigs. They just wanted a good time. Fine by me. Consexual hookups were fun hookups. But what the guys didn't know is that as soon as they left and the warm trails of their touches faded away, I would remember and I would write it down. I catalogued every single one of them who I let have the privilege to kiss my lips. All of them had their name and commentary written on a page of a beat up composition book. I would be lying if I didn't say that the book was like a trophy, filled with conquests and memories.

I smiled as I finished the last bite of the sandwich and licked my fingers. Tonight was going to be a great night. New names hadn't been added in quite a while.  All I had to do now was get ready.


Well shit.

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