Chapter 2- This is who I am

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Chapter 2- This is who I am

Sorry if you think I'm going on and on about her past too much! This chapter gets better! I promise!



Seventh grade. I moved back to my old school, yes where my friends, and him were. My mom changed a lot, I started to think she was on drugs. My suspicions were confirmed when one day I found a needle in her purse. Me and Alyssa were together every single day. For the next 3 months things spiralled out of control. I smoked daily, snuck out all the time, I pushed away my Mammaw and Pappaw. It broke my heart to treat my grandparents how I did, but I did it anyways, I still don't know why. I stopped doing my homework, my grades were straight C's, barely good enough to play sports. The worse I became, the more disappointed in myself I became, and the more I smoked and screwed my life up. When I was little, I saw myself in the future as a straight A student, great athlete, and a bright future. I forgot about all that and I became a whole different person. I somehow had ended up in such a dark place, I didn't realize it at the time but looking back, I have no clue who I was. If someone would have told me 6 months earlier that I would go from all A's to C's, never see my Mammaw and Pappaw by choice, smoke, and sneak out.. I would laugh in your face.

I had given up on life at the age of 13. I was totally and completely depressed, I just wanted to die. Every single day, I watched my mom get worse, and my life fall apart.

The day my life changed. One day, my dad picked me up from my apartment. I don't know why, but he did, & I'm glad he did. As we were driving to his house I decided that it was time to give my dad a reason to be there for me, I craved his attention so much. I didn't want to live like this. I wanted to make the eight year old dreams that I had come true. I wanted to fulfill the goals my Mammaw and Pappaw set for me. I wanted to live a life where my mom was back to being my healthy mommy, and I wanted my dad in my life. I wanted my relationship with my Mammaw and Pappaw back. I wanted to have a normal life, I knew I needed to tell my dad everything. I never really saw my dad that much but I knew he was a determined man, and that he loved me, he just didn't really show it I guess. He was, and still is well known around this small town, from what I had been told, he had an athletic gift, got in fights a lot, and people either really loved my dad or really hated him. Either way, it was rare to come across someone who didn't know him.

The car ride was completely silent, I didn't know how to tell him all about my messed up life. So I just blurted it out, I started from the beginning and ended with us sitting in the driveway as I told him. I could hear my heart pounding, my palms were sweaty, but I was so relieved to tell someone, it was a huge weight that was lifted off my chest. He was completely speechless. From there, he took me under his wing, he gained custody of me.

He was actually a dad to me.


I'm now starting highschool, and I see my mom every weekend. My life is almost completely normal, I have huge trust issues. I don't ever get sad, I just get mad. I've always thought it was wired but people say that when your sad you feel broken and helpless, but I just get angry, I've never felt helpless and just wanted to cry. Doesn't everyone have issues though?

"Kaelynn Paige Smith! You need to unpack!" We are moving to a new house, this one is bigger, has more land, and is 'out in the country' as my dad says. All the houses are spaced out with long driveways, there is a huge creek, and woods. But do you want to know the best part about my new house?

It's the boy across the street. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's him. It's the boy with brown shaggy hair that falls over his beautiful blue eyes perfectly, and that has freckles all over his nose. The one that told the teacher to 'Kiss his ass'. The one I chased at recess until he got in trouble everyday and had to sit on the wall.

Derek Black.

As I started to walk inside, I hear yelling from the house across the street, Derek's house.

"Why don't you make me dad?!" I think it's Derek yelling, not sure. "and while your at it, kiss my ass."

Yeah, that's Derek. I laugh to myself and walk inside as I hear a car engine start.

It's Friday, so I'm about to go to my moms. Hopefully when I get home, all my stuff will be unpacked. It won't, but I can still hope, right?

My phone starts buzzing in my back pocket, it's a text from my mom.

"Hey, I can't pick you up this weekend, grandma GG is really sick so I'm going to head down to North Carolina. Sorry! Love you!"

"Okay, love you too!"


I'm going to Addison's tonight since I'm not going with my mom, and I do NOT want to stay in my house, there's boxes everywhere and it's hectic.

Addison pulls up in her yellow bug car. She's wanted that car from the time she was little.

"Hey biotch. Did you not get my text?"

"No what was it?"

"Someone's having a party tonight and we are going, go grab some crap and get out here, it's starts on two hours so we will be about an hour late."


Two and a half hours later we are standing in front of her mirror.

Addison is wearing a dress that meets the middle of her thigh, the torso part is black, lacy and tight. The skirt part is cyan blue and it flows with every step, and she has on a pair of black flats.

I'm wearing a white dress that is pink ombre at the bottom, a braided brown belt, and my white converse. I also have on a jean jacket, I'll probably end up taking it off so I don't know why I'm wearing it. I know Derek is going to be there, I think I might try to talk to him. What's the worst that can happen?


We arrive at the party and the first thing I notice when I walk in the door is.. Yes, you guessed it.. an adorable boy with brown shaggy hair, big blue eyes, and freckles.

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