Chapter 1- Just a little background

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Chapter 1- Just a little background

Chapter two will be up tomorrow!


I have liked him since I laid eyes on him..

Kindergarten. We got assigned seats the first day, I sat by him. I developed a little kid crush on him, I thought he was the funniest person to ever walk the earth. He always got in trouble for talking and poking me, the teacher would yell at him everyday. One day he told her to 'Kiss his ass', he was a real rebel. I chased him everyday single day at recess. One day, the teacher moved out seats and me and him were separated, I cried and yelled. Yes, I threw a full on temper tantrum. I got my way though, I sat by him the rest of the year.

Summer. I was told that I was going to go to Pre-First because I was young. My first thoughts were 'will he be there?' and 'What if he goes straight to first grade?'. I knew that no temper tantrum will get me out of this, so I just crossed my fingers.

Pre-First. Walking into the classroom and seeing that he was not there, was what I thought, heartbreaking. I did not want to be there, at all. All's I remember from that year is how annoying the boy I sat by was, and seeing him when we had a bathroom brake. He was in the first grade hallway and I idolized him for that, even though we were about the same age, it seemed like he was so much older now. Looking back, he really did like to flirt, all the other girls liked him. He was like the boy every girl liked, it made me extremely jealous. This was the first time that I had ever felt jealous, the feeling was horrible. I would rant on, and on to my bestfriend Addison about how he's going to grow up and marry all the other girls, and not me. I guess you could say I was a bit dramatic.

Summer. My dad always took me along with him to the football games. I didn't care about football, I just wanted to walk around with my friends. My dad wouldn't let me though, he said I was too young to walk around by myself and that he didn't care if my friends did it. The real reason I wanted to walk around was because of him I knew he was aloud, and he would hang out under the bleachers. Me and my dad argued every Friday night at the football games, but he always won.

First grade. Of course by then, my obsession with him had only grown. He was now in second grade, and I was in first, still one grade behind him. I always saw him at recess, but he always sat on the wall because he got in trouble. During our activity class the teachers said we are going down to the second grade classes and picking a partner for the rest of the year. That was my chance, if I picked him before anyone else, then I would see him everyday. We went down and each first grade class got assigned a second grade class, and my class was paired with his class. When the teacher yelled for us to pick a partner, my eyes shot over at him, but Amanda was already grabbing his arm. There's that feeling again, that I had in Pre-First, at the time I though it was heartbreaking. I glanced around and everyone had a partner except for me, I immediately thought I'd be by myself. That was when he yelled to the teacher saying we can be in a group of three. A smile so big spread across my face that it kind of hurt. The year had been half way over, and going okay. Amanda out shined me and talked to him most the time but I didn't care, at least I got to see him.

Like I said, it was half way through the year, that was when my dad told me I have to move schools because he got a temporary job on the road so I'll move in with my mom.

Second & Third grade. I hated my new school because my friends weren't there and especially because he wasn't there. My dad was working on the road traveling the country and I was living with my mom. I would think about my dad every night, I only talked on the phone with him about once a week and never saw him. My mom and dad would fight on the phone a lot, I listened to every argument.

My mom was always mad because she said he was home every weekend but never came to see me, at the time I never understood what else he had to do besides see me when he was home.

Summer. I still went to the football games with my Mammaw and Pappaw, which were my dad's parents. I felt separated from my friends since I didn't go to the same schools as them anymore, so I never asked to walk around. I always saw my friends there, and I saw him. His brown hair was shaggy and it fell perfectly over his big blue eyes, he had brown freckles all over his nose that helped bring out his eyes.

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth grade. Those three years of my life were full of so much change. I figured out why my dad hadn't had time for me anymore.. Fourth grade he got married, Fifth grade he had a son, then he had another son while I was in sixth grade. So I was living with my mom, my step dad, and my mom gave birth to my two sisters. I would go to my Mammaw and Pappaws every weekend, they were my bestfriends. Basically, my mom and her boyfriend broke up, and we moved in to an apartment. My cousin moved to town, Alyssa. She was only a year older then me, but she's done more things then I can even of. We saw each other about four or five times a year. Every time we were together she would come up with some badass idea, and we would get in trouble. Now that she lived only walking distance from my apartment, we grew really close.

Then BAM, seventh grade came, and my whole life was turned upside down.

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