Chapter nine: Infernal Subway

Start from the beginning

"What happens? Did you saw or..."

Alisa look at me with a concern look.

"I forgotten that day. We were playing hide and seek. I just hid there. I should have come out."

Alisa was falling apart.

"I should have show them where I was. Then....then...."

Alisa break crying. I held her letting the tears fall. She was shaking like a leaf or a small child. How long have she's been like this? She wept and wept until her tears were dry.

"When I was told, I might become a God Eater....that I might be one of the new types. I was so happy and furious. I thought I could get revenge and slay that Aragami. I could have avenge my parents...even little bit. I won't bring them back...but....Ugh!"

She held her head for a moment.

I got concern and looking at her expression with so much pain that I wrap my arms around her for comfort. She lean her head on my shoulder until the pain she have went away.

"Sorry....I don't know what's happening," She said hearing fear in her voice.

I stay with her for an hour or so about this new power we both have witness.

She told me she saw something in my memory that I was afraid she might saw.

She said, "There was an aragami. It look like you, but in the same time it wasn't. There were these doctor injecting you. I'm wasn't sure what's going on. I had a pain headache throughout that mind trip."

I reassure her to not worried about that memory. I told her it's a memory I want to forget.

She understands.

The doctor came into the room.

"Hey God Eater, Tsubaki is lookin for ya at the main lobby," The doctor said.

"Already duty calls. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Inform Tsubaki and the others I'm awake," Alisa said to me

I nod my head, "Okay, get some rest."

I left the room and heading to the main lobby.

"That will concluded today's briefing, I want you to suit up and ready to be deployed as soon as possible. Dismissed" Tsubaki said holding her clip board.

Tsubaki want to speak directly to me and Sakuya. I didn't understand why my presense of being here about the discussion of the upcoming mission. Shouldn't everyone be present not just me and Sakuya? I didn't ask her. I'm a bit afraid of her if I dare.

I inform her about Alisa's awakening.

She nod her head firmly, "Thank you for reporting it. Please rush to your station. I need to speak to Sakuya in private."

I nod my head and walk away. I glance back a bit seeing Tsubaki and Sakuya meeting eye to eye. Sakuya is balling a fist as Tsubaki is speaking to her.

I didn't stay long at the lobby and report to Hibari about member should join on this mission.

"SO HOT!" Kota said fanning himself.

The mission is to take down Borg Camlann in a Infernal Subway. There's lava outside of the tracks. This unbearable heat aren't good for some of our clothing.

I had to unzipped my sweater and put around my waist.

"What is the temperature?" Kota said taking his tongue out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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