Chapter seven: God Eater to Aragami

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"Subject #678 inactive. No response."

I open my eyes feeling my head throbbing with intense pain. It feels like rockswere heavily planted on my head. My vision weren't clear. I can' move my body.

"Subject # 678 has awaken. Brain waves are active."
What's going on?
"Good morning, 678."

Did he gave me a number?

"You were out quite awhile. Now, that you have awaken. We will be runningtest."

Test? What test?

"Subject # 678 signs of distress on brain waves."
"Oh? Nervous?"

I could hear his footsteps pacing back and forth.

"You shouldn't be. You are the perfect creation to our studies."

I don't like the sound of that. What they do to me?

"Subject #678 brain waves increasingly distress."
"Well, I should intend to my duties. Please, take extra care of our specimen."
I could feel myself going to a slumber.

I woke up with a throbbing headache. The light are blinding me. I coverwith my hand and slowly sit up. I look at my hands.
"I can move...." I whisper.
I could talk now. I look at my arm. I notice red bumps and little tiny holes onmy arm.
"What the heck they do to me?"
"Subject #678, You will now begin a test."
A wall open from across the room. I see two glowing red eyes staring at me. Itcame out of the darkness and charge at me. It was a Orgetail. I quickly move tothe side before it had time to headbutt at me. This aragami was a quick one. Itwas faster than other orgetail I have faced. It came at me again. I try to runaway. It chase after me. I have no weapons on me just white t-shirt coveringall the way to my knees. I have my armlet still attach to me.

I was getting out of breathe. Oregetail wasn't giving up on his food. Icollaspe out of exhaustion. I don't know how long I was running for. Ishouldn't be this tired. The Orgetail was coming for me seeing it's face withsharp teeth and sharp eyes. I'm terrified. My body gave up. The orgetail iscoming close. I don't want to move anymore. When I thought it was the endaccepting my fate. I close my eyes waiting to be over.

When I came to, I was alive. I saw the Oretail lying on the ground rip toshreds. I was covered in blood with it. Orgetail slowly disintegrated morphinginto the ground. I don't understand. I'm alive. I don't remember doing anythingjust lying on the ground.
"Subject#678, Well done."
For what? Did they do this?
I couldn't stand. I fall back hitting on my back. I didn't feel the inflictpain. It's strange. I just feel numb. The door open in the room. The scientistcame out. I couldn't stay awake to see what happen.

I was put into a small room with no windows, no bed and without anything. Mywrist was chain as well to my ankles. The clothes were stain with blood. Mystomach is growling for food. The food was toss on the floor. The food wasn'tedible to eat. I choose not to eat. I didn't hear any word from the scientist.I look around the room. It was nothing, but blank spaces. I was freely to walkaround it. I can only take baby steps because of the chain tied to my ankles.

They call me for another test. They open the door. I walk out of the room.
"Subject# 678 you will begin test."
Again, with the voices.
Across the room, the wall revealing another Aragami waiting to attack me. Thechains came off. I could feel my wrist and ankles again. The aragami stepscautiously. I could see the pawprint.I try to make out what kind of aragami itis.
It was a Vijra.
My eyes widened. I can't. No way!
Vijra snarl at me seeing how open space it was that I can be easily catch.
"This is Vijra! No!" I yell.
"Subject #678 defeat Vijra."
"I can't! Give me my God arc!"
No response. Vijra came dashing at full speed that he swing its tail aroundhitting me. He wanted to play with his food. My body flew hitting a wall frombehind my back. I could feel my ribs wanting to break. Vijra drew close that Ihave no time to move.
"Move!" I told myself.
Vijra is about to eat me. I'm lying on the ground. It was no use. I'm frozen infear with no weapon in hand. Vijra is smirking at me seeing it's prey helpless.I could feel the blood boiling hot. Something in me snap. I blank out.

It happen again.
I look at the Vijra lying there lifeless with it's eye open. There was alsoanother one on the side. I look at my hands cover in blood.
"Excellent, well done. subject #678."
They praise me once again. I stand there seeing the aragami. There was clawmarks on it. I start to vomit.
"Subject, throwing up."
My stomach is hurting me badly. It was a burning sensation. The scientistgathering around sticking a needle into my arm.
"We need more liquid. The immune system is rejecting the oracle cells."
Oracle cell?
"We're losing the experiment."

"The Subject won't last long. The immune system is rejecting the oracle cell.What should we do?"
"Inject her more blood cells from the other subjects and find same blood typefor our specimen."
"Heart rate is slowly beating."
"Brain wave is active."
"Function unstable."
"We need the blood cells!"

The scientist force me to eat their food. My body grew weak. I had no strengthto even move. A needle is stuck in my arm giving amount of fluid in my body.
"Will the specimen survive?"
I hear a whisper. I look around the room with my eyes. There was no otherperson talking to anybody in this room. Just two scientist feeding me food.
"It's 50% possibility."
"This subject can be the new future for humans and aragami."
The conversation ended. They came in the room I was in.
They ask how I was doing.
The scientist answer.

I was put into my room. I can move my body again after hours of being feed andInjection so many fluids. I don't know what they put in. I do feel agitated andstart to growl. I scratch on the wall. I scream in frustration. I curl myselfin a ball.

The lights went off. It was odd. I was awaken by the smell of fire. I walk overpressing my ear to the wall.
"We're under attack!"
"Get the specimen!"
The door open. I growl at them.
"Easy, we're just goin-"
I attack him before he finish. I escape out the door. I was running on my handand legs like some kind of animal.
"Subject has escape! Red alert!"
I ran down the hall in all sorts of direction to find the exit. The scientisttry to capture me. I always slip right through them. I saw my freedom. The niceopen air. I can almost taste it. That's when I saw aragami block my way. I wasfurious. I scream and then a roar. I attack the aragamis. I went out ofcontrol. I felt a pierce bite at the back of me. I was scratch, bitten and roarat. I didn't show fear. When I saw every last aragami down, I realize that mybody wasn't human.
I hear the scientist coming to my direction. I ran out. I felt the soft groundand the sunlight hitting my face. I ran so fast without looking back. I'm free.

I found a nearby lake. I saw myself from the reflection. I see it now. I'm anaragami. My fur was cover in blood. My teeth with sticking out seeing howsharp. I was a medium size aragami. The same size as a Vita. I dip my face intothe lake. I shake my face off. It was no dream. I am aragami. I look around. Ifeel wind blowing my fur. I can smell another area if I move forward. I took astep forward. I almost fell. I'm injured. This may an issue. I need to keepgoing forward.

There are aragami lurking the area. I caution myself not to be spotted. I haveno idea where am I. During all my mission, I never been in this area. There washighly a lot of aragami. I observe the aragami from the sidelines behind therocks. Orgetail is shrieking wanting some type of attention. Gboro gboro areswimming in the lake. There were others idling their own business. I don't wantto risk any attention if the aragami seeing me as a unknown species thathappens to look like them.
There was a loud roar. It chill me to my fur.
It was on the highest rock. I gulp seeing this large aragami appear with ablood thirsty aura surround it. It's Dyaus Pita. God eater fear this aragami.It was highly intelligent than any aragami. It knows our existence. He knowsour weakness. It jumps down moving forward hitting one or two aragami. Itdoesn't care who you are as long you are food. Now, Dyauis Pita is occupy withhis food. It's time to make my escape. I walk in silence. It didn't fail tocatch Pita's eye. He jumps in front of me. He roars at me. I have to flee.Dyaus Pita was ready to pounce. I move before he attacks. I try to outrun him.It makes him want to chase me more. I felt his claws swing at the back of me. Ifall to the ground. It pierce through. Dyaus Pita smile seeing his victory. Islash at his face with my claw. I run fast as I could. I made into a haltseeing the bottom was nothing than trees. I was near edge of a cliff. DyausPita got me cornered. I had two choices to make.Dyaus Pita smile. I roar andalso wince. It show no pity. Dyaus Pita drew close. I did a quick decision. Ijump. Dyaus Pita roar out of defeat. The branches broke my fall. I survive.When I try to get up, my body force back to the ground. I wince. I look at mybody. My legs gave up. I'm badly injured that my aragami body just don't wantto. I'm also feeling light headed.

I could hear the sound of my voice wincing of pain. I'm human again. This isbad. I'm in a open space of bait. My body can't move. I'm losing conscious.

"Strange...." a small faint voice said
My eyes open a little. I saw something white. I reach out my hand to thisunknown thing
"Help....." my voice quiver.
I pass out.

I remember what Dr. Sakai says about human and Aragami co-existing in thelecture. 

What a sick joke. 

God Eater: Blood of an AragamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora