Chapter nine: Infernal Subway

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When I came down to meet Unit 1, you can feel the atmosphere of uneasiness. Kota greets me with a smile.

"It's good to have you back in the squad," Kota said.

Soma is sitting in the couch. Sakuya is in daze.

Tsubaki walks in. Everyone have her full attention.

"Today's order have been change. Your new objectives is to eradicate the aragami in the vicinity."

Wait...what about finding Lindow? I thought.

"Alisa will not be joining you. On a final note, Lindow's status will be change to missing, discharge, or missing in action. That will be all."

"That's absurd! We haven't found his god arc or his gauntlet. How can you say that!?" Sakuya said.

We can feel the atmosphere intense. Soma pulls his hood. Kota look at Sakuya and Tsubaki. Alisa can't fight. What I can see Unit 1 is falling apart.

"This is not my decision, Miss Tachibana. We haven't have any response from his armlet. We can't do a full search. Not with new attacks coming in everyday. I'm sorry."

Tsubaki walks away. Soma leaves the group. Sakuya starts to yell.

"Why are....they just giving up!?"

Kota and I stay silent as Sakuya rant.

"Sorry, I'm going to clear my head. Call me when you need me. I'll be ready for the mission."

Sakuya leaving heading back to her room.

"Poor Sakuya.....she's broken up about all this." Kota said.

I nod my head. She was worse than before.

"Hey, you have been holding up well. I'm surprise you are all together with all this mess."

Trust me, Kota. I'm not.

"I'll go check on Sakuya. Whenever you ready, you know where to find me."

Kota leaves.

I sit on the couch feeling a headache. What should I do?

The mission took longer than I expected.

"Good job team, " said Hibari over the intercom piece in our ear.

Kota devours the aragami collecting the core. I search for materials. Soma look in the sky for the chopper. Sakuya fixing her God arc. As I search, my sense of smell became active. I can smell a mile away. There's other aragami. They aren't in our area. I smell a familiar scent. Aragami? Human? What is it?

"Hey! Chopper is here!"

I look and see the helicopter coming down.

The teams goes on the chopper. I was the last one in. I look from window going further and further away from the ground.

I went to visit Alisa today. She was fast asleep. I'm worried about Unit 1. We have no captain. We are complete mess. Alisa move her head. I look at her hand.

Maybe I can do it again.

I touch her head. My mind was suck into a memory. I was Alisa. She was small. She wanted to play hide and seek. She hid in the wardrobe. She stay quiet wanting her parents to find her. There was a commotion outside. The Aragami had attack. Alisa witness a Pita kill her parents. It stare right at her motionless. It transition to Alisa becoming God eater being a new type. Then it transition to her in a therapy session with her doctor. It show her an aragami and Lindow. It was off. He was putting her a trance to kill Lindow. The memory interrupted. I raise my head. Alisa sits up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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