Years later. Ch 1

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    A young women sat watching the forest she'd grown up in pensively from a rocky outcrop on the side of the mountain. Long dark red hair hung loosely around her as her dark grey and black dress skirts fluttered in the wind lightly. Her long black fingernails sharpened to points tapped on her bottom lip in concentration, and she sighed deeply. Her bright blue green eyes looked gloomy and troubled as she peered over the edge of the perch she chose.

    Her heart beat in her ears as she moved closer to the edge and prepared to jump. Suddenly a scratchy older female voice from behind started her and she jumped back heart hammering in her chest. " (y/n) my gods girl, what are you trying to do? I told you to only try floating 5ft off the ground not 50! Damn child.." they grumbled sassily at the young maiden clutching her chest and staring at them with a slightly guilty smile on their face. A full smile pulled to the maidens plump lips as she  climbed to her feet an walked towards the older women wrapping her in a hug and kissing her cheek. "Hello aunty chance, what are you doing up here ?"

    The older women smiled at the youngling and pulled her with her as she walked down the path from the mountains towards her house. "Oh you know deary, just looking for some herbs, maybe pick you up a husband on my way." They both laughed but (y/n)'s was strained greatly. The witch noticed. "What seems to be the problem dearest?" (Y/n) sighed and looked at her aunt from the corner of her eye. "Oh i dont know.. im just getting up their in age.. im worried i wont find a husband.." she confessed, the older women stared at her straight faced then laughed loudly "(y/n) dear your 100 years old! Hahahaa your an immortal! You dont look any older then 23! Your in your prime. Why all this thought of marriage?"

    (Y/n) stared at the ground then Sighed "aunt present was joking about setting me up with Apollo.. and we all know if he even heard about a joke like that he'd take it seriously he's always interested in mortal brides" her voice became quiet as she shivered lightly and cringed with a mildly disgusted look on her pale face at the thought of the sun god. "Ohh dear.." the older women frowned and looked to the path, glimpsing the way to her house she thought quickly. "Dear why dont we go with your other aunts when they make the trip to the underworld. Youll get to see the guard dog. I know how much you love dogs." Y/n looked at her and smiled brightly showing a mouth full of mildly sharp teeth. "Oh that sounds like fun! I can escape any chance of running into my stalker that way too!" 

    Her excited voice carried through the woods to the ears of the three matrons of fate, who stood at the entrance to the underworld with two imps one red/pinkish one light blue. They all collectively turned at hearing the voice of their adoptive niece getting closer, when the two women broke the tree-line they smiled at the rest of the inhabitants-of the clearing. The young women looked curiously at the imps who looked her up and down like she was a threat, a slight snear on panics face as he glanced at the fates their younger sister and the young "human" women with them.

    Pain nudged him "cmon panic.. boss said we need to make sure they're good and cooperative.. if they wanna bring the human they can" he said in a low voice. Y/n smiled lightly and glanced at her aunts who snickered at the imps lack of knowledge. After the imps giving the "human" girl a stern talking to about not touching anything they entered the under world and made their way to the throne room.

    A large room with dark stone walls, high dark arched windows and a large stone throne sat in the middle awaited them, but no Lord of the Dead in sight. Y/n frowned and huffed she had wanted to see what he looked like. She for some unknown reason had always wandered if the story's were true. How mean and ruthless he was, how ugly and deformed he was. She had a nagging feeling these descriptions of him were wrong. Vary wrong.

    So they waited. Y/n sat on the ground off to the side of the throne as the fates their sister and the imps chatted with each other just out of earshot. All of a sudden Hades storms into the room hair blazing angrily smoke billowing around in a rush and sits down on his throne groaning and complaining not noticing the fates or the extra two females in his presence.

    "PAIN!! PANIC!! Get the fates on the phone maybe i can.." he was cut off by a slightly irritated voice of the tallest fate. "We're already here! We told you before.." she was cit off by hades "yeah yeah yeah, i just wanna know is thier.." cut off again "oh no! No no no! We arnt telling you anything more!" The shortest fate shouted angrily. The three fates disappeared quickly leaving their younger sister and niece, which hades has just noticed is sitting on the floor next to his throne.

    He stared down at Y/n with a look of confusion, then he smirked and leaned over towards her. "Heya babe, Names hades, lord of the dead. Hi, nice ta meet cha. Whats a dish like you doing down here?" As he talked he leaned farther and farther over towards her. Her face was heating up rapidly, shed never had a guy talk to her like that and it not make her wanna punch him. Hades paused and examined her, her face slowly turning bright red her slightly wild but maintained red hair hung in her face a bit but her eyes stood out like a match in the dark, beautiful and bright but also dark at the same time he got lost for a second.

    Shaking his head a bit he pulled back and sat back down fully turning to face the other being in the room, paying no mind to the "human" female slinking away from him slowly.trying to go unnoticed. The younger sister of the fates stood awkwardly and smiled sheepishly. "Ha hello Lord Hades.." "hey, i know you. Your that silly little sister of the fates arnt you! So what brings you here cupcake ?" His face was relatively blank as he took out a cigar and lit it with his thumb, eyes half lidded. The witch sighed and glimpsed at her adoptive niece, who was still trying to slink away from the gods side unnoticed, with a smirk.

"Oh i was just taking my dear niece new places. Sisters were visiting you anyway and I thought itd be a good experience for her, plus with that Apollo viding for her attention like a rabid raccoon I thought id get her somewhere he cant find her for awhile, That and she loves dogs, i was going to show her your guard dog." The witches smile widened greatly as her niece froze and stood up fully looking stiff, curling slightly in on herself trying desperately to make herself smaller and unnoticeable.

Hades eyes widened slightly and he shuffled in his seat glancing at the girl and then back to the witch. "Hmm.. alright. Have fun stay out of the river and don't break anything, clear ?" He sighed lightly and rubbed his forehead tiredly leaning back further into his throne. Y/n couldn't help but stare. By the gods were the stories of how he looked wrong. He wasn't particularly handsome in the normal sense but far from disfigured, he had a strong jaw and a muscular build, he was tall and his skin was a pale blue grey color.

    He was nothing like Y/n had ever seen before and to her he was beautiful.  She briefly wished that he was the one pining for her attention not that pompous jerk Apollo. She snapped out of her thinking slightly perturbed with the thoughts floating though her brain and rushed gracefully to her aunt steering her towards a doorway away from the god quickly to go explore the area.

    Soon after they came upon a large three headed dog.Y/n gasped and stared at the beast as it stared down at them with confused faces all head tilted to the sides like a oversized puppy. She squealed slightly and stuck her hands out, the dog leaned down and gently sniffed her before his tongue lolled out and licked up the side of her face and upper torso. 

    At this moment hades was watching from a window in his throne room, looking as tho he was in deep thought. He watched as the two witches played with his vicious guard dog like it was a puppy and smiled lightly. Before it turned into a dangerous smirk and he turned to sit back in his throne again. Pain and panic stood nervously watching from a doorway. "Boys! Make sure to keeps tabs on that girl with the witch. Okay i have things to do.." he laughed lightly and disappeared in cloud of billowing smoke leaving his minions confused..


1549 words.

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