The Begining

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There was once a couple, who lived on a hill in a small cabin not far off from the main city, surrounded by forests of green. They tried desperately to conceive a child but they were running out of options. So they turned to the one person they could think of..

A thin woman with long dark auburn hair, big blue eyes and tanned skin clung to the arm of a tall broad and muscular man, his deep green eyes glanced all around taking in the scenery of the dark woods that surrounded them. His dark brown hair hung in his left eye slightly as he turned his head back to face the front of the path. Pale white skin became paler almost ashen as he saw the place they had been looking for.

A small run down cottage built into the bottom of a large dead tree. The women tightened her hold on the man and looked at him with fear and worry in her eyes. He sighed lightly blowing his hair out of his face and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They set forth to the doorway and knocked heavily, on the decrepit, vine covered door.

A women, much older then the female at her door answered almost immediately shrouded in a dark purple cloak and black dress, Bright neon green eyes stared lifelessly at the younger couple, grey colored skin that appeared to be aged but still looked young framed the face with a half smirk lined with sharp jagged teeth. "Well.. what do we have here.." her voice was smooth and melodic as she surveyed the two standing anxiously in her doorway.

The women at the door began to shake as the man held her tightly clearing his throat. " We have been trying to have a child and we have been.. unsuccessful. We were hoping miss that you could help us.." his voice was deep and hopeful sounding and the witch just couldn't turn them away.

She cleared her throat and led them into her shack. The walls were made partially of stone that slowly transferred into the wood of the tree, a caldron sat in the middle of the room with a dim fire lit under it, the insides bubbled lightly making small pop sounds every once in awhile. The floor was mostly dirt and moss with a small garden of different flowers and spices growing.

The witch turned around as they fallowed her into her home and pointed to stool on the other side of the caldron. "The female sits there." She instructed while hobbling over to garden and picking some blue bells and purple carnations. The younger female sat erect on the stool still shaking lightly, the witch laughed good-naturedly at her and handed her the flowers. "Now deary, i need you to put the carnation on your stomach and the blue bells on your head. Alright ?" She instructed slowly making sure the women understood her.

As the young women did as told the witch threw a handful of some powder at her, she fell to the ground and landed roughly on her back. Sitting up and huffing she started at the witch in horror as she laughed happily. "Thats it deary! You two should have a little one in a couple of months! Make sure to come back and let me see them sometime! I do love children." The witch was smiling as the young couple scrambled for the door and out of the house, running to their own to never speak of this encounter again.


Three months later the young women found out she was with child. Six months after that she gave birth to a little girl. Nine months later, Wisps of dark red hair, pale skin and striking green blue eyes rimmed in black with a small circle of gold surrounding the pupil stared up at her mother as she walked along the path to the city. The young women looked anxiously around her as she walked quickly holding her daughter close under a blanket.

Almost tripping over her own feet several times as she made it to the main gate rushing past people and by shops she made it to were she was heading. The witch in the woods sold medicines in the town in a small shop. Racing into the shop she maneuvered her way to the counter to be greeted by the same women who she met with 18 months ago. "Oh thank the gods your here ma'am! My daughter please you must help her!"

She was distraught and on the verge of bursting into tears. "What is it my dear girl! Whats wrong with the babe.." the witch became concerned, she reached out and took the infant from her mother. The little one looked at her and smiled up at her cooing her eyes glowed faintly in the dim lighting in the shop and the witch was amazed. "Oh my.. I haven't seen someone born with this much magical power before.. she could rival the gods of old.." the older women paused and stared forlornly at the beautiful child before her, happily reaching its tiny hands up towards her lose strands of hair. "I know! What do i do ? How do i keep her safe!" The mother began sobbing, violently shaking and hyperventilating while hugging herself tightly.

The witch stared at her, and a thought came to her mind. "I could keep her.. i could teach her all of what shed need to know." The mother stared at the older women while tears escape her wide eyes. "I couldn't push this on you maam. It could endanger your life!" The mother was hysterical and becoming more and more depressed. The baby started at her mother with worry and an unhappy look on her face.

The witch regarded to child cooly for a couple seconds then smiled brightly. Pulling the babe close to her she turned towards the mother and smiled gently. "Deary you cant do this. Your husband cant help you with this, this child is vary special. She'll do great things one day. I know it. Im going to call my older sisters. She can go live with them. They'll be able to keep her entertained . And they'll teach her so much.." the mother calmed down and stared lovingly at her daughter, smiling slightly she sighed, shook her head, turned around and made her way from the store to home.

The witch held the baby close and smiled down at her lightly before walking into the back of her shop, a table sat with a purple and black cloth draped over it halfhazardly a large black crystal ball sat in the middle atop a small pedestal made of bones. The witch set down on a stool and waved a hand over the crystal and three figures appeared in the middle.

"What is it sister! we're busy!" A scratchy shrill voice yelled angrily, the witch just smiled and shuffled the child lightly. "Oh sister you'll never guess what i found!" She cheered happily. Three voices replied back to her all different pitches of scratchy and shrill. "WHAT!?" The witch laughed fully now " a baby! A baby with mystic powers!" She yelled joyously.

The sisters smiled collectively and chuckled. They knew what that meant. All the sudden they were gone and the ball was empty once more. The witch picked the child up and held her up-in the air with a smile on her face. "You my dear are going to save this world one day.." she pulled the baby to her and left the shop back to her house..


Past, Present, Future & Chance.

1272 words

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