My Life....In This Crazy Messed Up World --Chapt 2--

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Sorry it's took soooo Long guy's!!

i've had exams and things i've had to do I can honestly say you wont have to wait so long for an update again!

I know how anoying it can be trust me i sit and get anoyed when the books i'm reading arent updated when i check!!


*Alexia's Pov*

I stepped out of Damien's black bmw convertable and looked around "Umm Damien? I thought we was going to the beach?" we was standing infront of a big house Damien laughed I just looked at him maybe vampires are mad after all. I unwillingly shivered to look at Damien or his family you wouldnt think they were vampires, "Are you ok Alexia?" damn Damien noticed me spacing out....

"yeahh i'm fine, just one of my thoughts sent me into my own world" I smiled at him as he took my hand, I felt a sudden flow of electricity throughout my body, he pulled me through the doors to the house, even though I had no idea where we was I felt safe with Damien which was strange. "I said we was going to the beach and here we are" he chuckled looking at me as I looked around the room. It was an INDOOR BEACH!!!!

As I looked around I noticed there were a few other people here, as they looked at me they threw funny looks....What was that about?? Urgg...Ahh then again I am standing with Damien "WOW how long has this been here??"

"It's always been here for vampires" my natural reaction to the word vampires kicked in and my heart accelerated...It's been here for vampire? Does that mean i'm the only human in the room? Looking around I managed to answer that one my own, yes, Yes I was the only human, Well Shit!

"Alexia?" Damien's voice sounded worried...Why?? Oh yeahh he would have heard my hearts acceleration, come to think of it so would everyone here, as I looked around everyone was staring at me Not good I reminded myself. I took a deep breath and smiled "Umm I'm ok Damien"

"You sure?" he didnt look convinced, then again my heart was still beating 10 to the dozen.

"Yes, I'm posititve I turned and looked into his eyes...for a moment it was like time stopped....I looked away something in my heart was telling me not to get close to a vampire, especailly not Damien! "Damien? is that really you?? Came a high pitched voice....

*damien's Pov*

"Damien? Is that you??" I knew that voice instantly, I felt my body tense I looked behind me, next thing I know i'm on the floor with Katie straddling me, grinning "Hey sexy, miss me?" Before I could answer her lips were on mine she smelt like lily's as always! She pulled away and my eyes found Alexia looking hurt and angry! Oh damn "Umm Katie could you please get off me?" I lookd from Alexia back to Katie who giggled and lent down to whisper in my ear "you never used to mind" that part was true I liked a girl who took control but I was here with Alexia and this didnt feel right with Katie anymore! I laughed and rolled over so that I was on top of her "Yeah Used to Katie" I smiled and got to my feet and turned to face Alexia "sorry about that Alexia" I smiled and god she looked pissed off..

"Forget about it Damien" I'd love to know what she was thinking right now as she looked away from me. Katie hsf recovered herself from the floor she was starring at Alexia "Hey, I'm Katie" she smiled softly at Alexia but it was off, I could tell she was forcing it!

"Hi" was Alexia's answer before she walked off towards the water and I just had to laugh at Katie's face she's never looked so shocked in her life, but what did she expect? "Stupid human, no one talks to me like that" she snarled under her breath, in a second I saw Katie take off after alexia and someone slam into her stopping her dead in her tracks...

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