Chapter One

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This is unedited so there is quite a few errors! So sorry!

Enjoy! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed my fist down on my annoying alarm clock. Oh joy! Another day in hell.

I stand up, stretching, before walking over to my closet. I shuffle through my shirts, groggily, then decide to go with a Panic! at the Disco shirt. I slip it on over my black bra, then walk over to my vanity, applying dark makeup and straightening my red and black hair. I slips on a pair of black skinnies before grabbing my checkered bag and slipping out my bedroom door.

When I arrive in the kitchen, my step dad, Harry, greats me with an unsatisfied grunt. "Daniel, what the hell are you wearing?" He asks rudely. I just shrug and grab an apple, taking a small bite.

"Why do you care?" I deadpans. He grunts again and I walk out the back door with a smirk. I hate my step father. But I hate my mom even more. At least Harry is at home more than 20 minutes a day. My mom works as a "realtor" at day and a "waitress" at night, as she claims. But I don't believe a work of her bull shit.

I walk down the sidewalk, on the way to school. As I pass one of my neighbors house, a girl that goes to my school stood outside crying. The girl's mother stood in the doorway, a stern look on her face.

"I don't care if you're scared! You're going to school!" She screamed, only making the girl cry more. The funny thing is, this girl's name was Lily, and she was one of the 'popular' girls. Her eye makeup ran down her face as she continued crying. Her mother slammed the door, leaving Lily to start walking.

She arrived at the sidewalk, right next to me. Lily scowled in my direction, rubbing underneath her eyes. I'm wasn't really the type to get along with the popular girls. Even if I tried, it just wouldn't work. But since she was crying, I felt the need to say something.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I ask, making sure to keep my bratty attitude intact.

Lily scoffed. "Oh pu-lease! Don't tell me you don't know!" She rolled eyed, putting her manicured hand up. I shrug, actually not having a single clue what she was talking about.

"Well, I don't. If you haven't noticed, I'm not really part of the 'in-crowd,' now am I?" I reply, now letting my attitude towards her be known. Lily just scoffed again, swaying her hips and making her high heals clink against the sidewalk.

"Omg, that's so true. You are a total outcast! How silly of me!" She giggles, her nose scrunching up which was totally unattractive. But she soon composed herself, her face looking grim now. "Mrs. Lanchie was murdered..." She whispered.

I didn't know what to think. Did I hear that little brat right? It didn't seem likely. Who on Earth would kill such a kind young woman? She was my science teacher and was one of my favorites. Now she was dead because some asshole killed her. Great.

"That sucks..." I whispered. The rest of the walk to school was silent between us. When we got there, we both went their separate ways. I continued on to my first period; Mr. Tanny with World Geography.

The class period was full of whispers as we "watched" the video about the culture in Africa. I just sat and listened. Some people say it was the principal, who just happened to be absent today. Others said she just killed herself, which I doubted, considering she was stabbed 13 times. And then, there were the people who said that it wasn't just any killer; it was Jeff the Killer.

But... Jeff the Killer wasn't real, was he? I mean, sure there were claims of seeing him and one person said that they escaped but, people also say they see mermaids and Slender Man. Hah! No. He didn't kill her, impossible. Right? Ugh!

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