Football game 4

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'I'm here' I yell as I walk to field
'hey lill' piper called out as she put up a poster.

(Time skip to the game)

'Ok lilly your partner is cole number 1 and the QB' harper said as we all started to line up with the football players. I look to see him and he's right were he would be at the front I walk up to him. 'Hi I'm lilly its nice to meet you' I say with a big smile he looks at down me with a smirk 'hello there your Luke's sister right the one who hit good old matt in the balls' he smirked. 'Let's go kids move move' coach yelled and with that Cole and I ran on to the field I did a summersolt and a roundoff as cole waved at the crowed.

(Time skip to the last minute of the game)

'Let's go lions let's go' we yell their up by 10 '5 4 3 2 1 yes' we win all the girls run on to the field we do our last cheer and run off the field. 'You did great I say to Luke when he came off the field 'thanks' he said.

'So are you coming over for the sleepover with me and piper' haper asked as we finished getting changed. 'sorry dad said me and Luke have to be home for tea' I said as we made it to the parking lot 'ok see you Monday' she yelled as she ran to see her boyfriend.

'Luke come on wake up' I say to my brother as I shake him awake we are home now after 2 minutes he wakes up and we go inside.'so how was the game' everyone asks Luke as we walk in I just go straight up to my room and get my PJ's not really feel like I needed food maybe later.


Sorry so short

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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