Relief washes over him as he sighted her sitting on the ground. Wiping the tears on her face furiously. Her eyes were red and puffy so is her nose, complete face and ears due to her complexion. She brought her legs together securing them with both her hands, then leaning her chin on her knees .

She started reciting suratul Ghashiyah. Her melodious voice filled the marvelous place which Maryam named 'peaceful kingdom '. Despite not having a castle nor people, she still named it a kingdom.

She believes that a 'kingdom ' musn't have a castle nor people as long as it's peaceful!

There were the only people who knew about the place. Maryam first discovered it and showed it to Malik. The place is so quiet, the only sounds are that of the swaying trees and river in rhythm producing a calm music.

Malik seems to be the only person she feels safe around apart from her mother. He's the only one she could talk to freely, he's always ready to share her grief.

Maryam comes there to think. Or whenever she was hurt or broken, she comes there to calm herself. She doesn't want to show any one she's valnueble. She'll still stand still even if inside she's breaking...

As she was reciting the surah, strand of tears unvoluntarily escaped her eyes. But when she reached the eighth verse, there was a small smile on her face. Suratul Ghashiyah is her best surah in the Qur'an because no matter how close she's to giving up.. The surah reminds her that there is day .

The day Resurrection!;

That all these would be over . The day that she would stay infront of THE ALMIGHTY with Inna saude and hisab (judgment) would be done between them honestly. And then she would continue to insert patience.

When she was done reciting the surah, Malik decided to grace her with his presence.

I've been looking for you every where '. He called her attention standing beside her.

'You've found me now '. She spoke softly not meeting his gaze. Sadness strained in her voice.

'I swear if it's that woman!, I'm goingto rip her head off with a razor blade!'. He fumed demonstrating how he's going to do that in the air.

Despite the situation, Maryam still let out a soft laught, feeling a bit better. Maybe if there're people like Malik who care about her she wouldn't have gone through this. Or maybe it wouldn't be this bad.

'If only you could accept me Maryam. I promise you a single tear of sorrow would never be shed by you, the only tears you'll shed would be that of blissfulness '. He spoke softly. Looking at the marvelous view in front of him. The sun is almost set,the view reflecting the water beneath.

She heaved a sigh and slightly nodded which caught his attention. Just like every other living person, she too wants to be happy. She wants to experience the feeling of happiness again.

' Is that a 'YES'?'. Malik eyes were wide a saucers. She noded shyly and when she noticed she still hasn't answered the question, she let out a small 'yes'.

Malik jumped up pumping his fists into the air . He almost hugged her but quickly refrained himself from doing so. He couldn't contain his excitement.

'But it's Inna Saude that's the problem '. That turned his wide grin into a frown.

'I don't have any business with that woman. Afterall it's your father I'm meeting.'. Malik seeth. Maryam didn't say anything, just noded. The truth is Inna Saude is like the one having authority in the house. Even her father does whatever she pleases...

It was already late and dark but Maryam requested to stay a bit more. Who knew if she's lucky every one would be asleep that way she could sneak in without any one noticing. Well atleast she has the night to collect herself...

Malik bought her some food and she devoured it whole heartedly. She couldn't remember the last time she ate to the full extent.

She could feel her body weakening when she neared her house. All she needs now is sleep. When they reached the door of her house, they bid farewells and Malik waited until she's safely inside before he left ...

With great difficulty, Maryam tiptoed to her room without making any sound. Luckily everybody was already asleep, and she laid own on her sweet bed; which is ofcause the worn out mat and drifted into a slumber...


My peepu! How you dey?
I hope una pyn pyn??
It's an update like promised! Let's see if we can proceed with the weekly update😊 .

' LIKYAM'. That was my shipname right there. Ok,I suck at this 😅 buh let's hear yours!!!

It's the longest chapter written so far!! So please shower some love :)
Don't forget to;

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